Talk to Swar'jan

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HordeTalk to Swar'jan
Start Orhan Ogreblade
End Swar'jan
Level 15-30
Category Feralas
Experience 1,850
Rewards 20s
Previous H [15-30] The Gordunni Orb
Next H [15-30] Ogre Abduction


Deliver the Gordunni Orb to Swar'jan in Stonemaul Hold.


We're lucky and unlucky here, grunt. Lucky that I had you bother to bring this back, and unlucky that my suspicions turned out to hold water. This thing's full of corrupted stench.

It's far too new to be something fished out of the ruins, either. Someone is supplying these ogres, and we need to know who before this becomes a situation.

Get that filthy thing upstairs to Swar'jan, the warlock on top of the guard tower. He's good for a few ideas; I'd listen to his suggestions, if I were you.


You will receive:

  • 20s
  • 1,850 XP 40s


What've you got for me here? You said the Gordunni had this?



  1. B [15-30] The Gordunni Threat
  2. B [15-30] The Gordunni Orb
  3. A [15-30] Estulan's Examination / H [15-30] Talk to Swar'jan
  4. B [15-30] Ogre Abduction
  5. A [15-30] Gordok Guards, H [15-30] Rulers of Dire Maul

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