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The night elf legend says that there were three sons of Cenarius from whom the three races that resemble him are descendant: the Keeper, the Dryad, and the Centaur. Since we know that Remulos is a son of Cenarius, and a very powerful one at that, why hasn't anyone suggested that, perhaps, "the Centaur" is Zaetar and all centaur tribes descend from him and Theradras and that Remulos is "the Keeper"? Is there any evidence to suggest that this is impossible?

Since we know that there are centaur who derived from Zaetar, and the only thing the legend mentions about "the Centaur" is that he is the father of the vicious centaur, then it seems obvious to me that Zaetar must be the one mentioned in the legend.

~ Grudgham

A couple of points. The centaur's history and personality is no where near similar to Zaetar's. Zaetar was not a bastard as far as we know. He didn't hate his siblings. He doesn't hate all life on the planet. He wasn't cursed by his father to appear as the modern centaur, etc. Also the three offspring were supposed to be the first of their kinds, the first centaur, the first keeper, and the first dryad.
Considering that Zaetar was the first Keeper ever born, the oldest of the keepers. That locks him into being the first keeper of the grove.Baggins (talk) 20:33, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
For the sake of the integrity of the article, we should choose one. How do we know the legend was referring to a centaur? Maybe it's more metaphorical, referring to the father of the centaur, the centaur themselves being cursed.Oakpack4 (talk) 17:38, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

Centaur Children of Zaetar and Theradras

Aren't the centaur the children of these two? That would explain why the Centaur have such a hatred for living (more beautiful) being, their ugliness and savageness. Dragola (talk) 20:28, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

Try reading the centaur article, and this article in more detail. The centaur article explains things in more detail, about the various "parents" who have been said to have bred centaur. To be fair its possible that the various centaur didn't originate from only one source but several.Baggins (talk) 20:33, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

How did this happen?

Wait, did he literally make the centaur with Princess Theradras or was that metaphorical? I can NOT see how that would work, physically. Did they do some magic thing or something? Sedurut (talk) 19:55, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

They literally made the centaur together that way, yes. Blame magic and try not to think about it too hard. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 20:14, November 14, 2009 (UTC)

Zeratul, always when I read I find some post from you, and I am almost always about to fall off my chair --Gerrom (talk) 11:33, November 21, 2009 (UTC)

Relations Section

To anyone who just takes a glanace at the quick info, it states that the Centaur are both his sons and his brothers. This would suggest that Zaetar and his unnamed mother bore children together, or that Princess could be his mother as she is listed as his Mother...either way something needs to be changed, whether it's a (See below) or deciding on one story as a community. Oakpack4 (talk) 17:34, May 30, 2010 (UTC)