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This buff is unique in that it is first applied with 5 minute duration, but it stacks to 60 minutes. A tooltip duration of "5 - 60 minutes" communicates this in a concise way. Listing only "5 minutes" would make this appear to be a FAR less useful buff than it is; listing "60 minutes" misrepresents the buff that is initially applied.

A non-standard listing highlights the unusual nature of the buff, and is therefore of value. If you think it should be changed, please discuss the issue so consensus can be reached. - jerodast (talk) 22:49, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

What other buffs have stacking duration? I'm sure I've heard of them, but I couldn't seem to google one, so I can't check how those are listed. In any case, I think "applied - max duration" is an extremely effective way to list all stacking durations.