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Doesn't make sense to have "sea priests" next to the group name as it would imply an alternate group name. Lowercase sea priests and tidesages are simply members of the (Stormsong) Tidesages, exactly like blood knights / paladins of the Blood Knights. --Mordecay (talk) 13:00, 24 May 2018 (UTC)

The group name is just "tidesages/Tidesages". They're just tidesages/sea priests. There's no distinction between "the group called Tidesages" and its "members called tidesages", "tidesage" is used both with a capital letter and without, to refer to both the organization and its members, you are making a distinction that does not exist. For example this quest uses a capital T, and this one too, but they're not referring to the organization, just to one tidesage, a member. Hell, even this quest just says "the tisage order", not "the Tidesage order". So no, there is no distinction between capital T and lower case T. -- MyMindWontQuiet 13:18, 24 May 2018 (UTC)
Hmm and what about the Stormsong Tidesages name, then? Is there a mention of the tidesage term in archaeology items, maybe, as the capitalization in quests tend sometimes be inconsistent (ie "Blood Knight" referring to a paladin in a Salandria quest) --Mordecay (talk) 13:48, 24 May 2018 (UTC)
That one quest that calls them Stormsong Tidesages isn't weird to me, it's likely just putting the location before the name (like how I'd say "Parisian Presidents", doesn't mean there's an actual political/official group called "the Parisian Presidents", I'm just talking about the Presidents who are Parisian) , it's referring to the Tidesages that are from Stormsong specifically (the ones who are keeping the fleet hidden, to be more precise), hence Stormsong Tidesages. I'm not sure about archeology.-- MyMindWontQuiet 13:59, 24 May 2018 (UTC)
Does the presence / absence of the definite article in (the) Stormsong Tidesages changes its meaning? --Mordecay (talk) 14:09, 24 May 2018 (UTC)
Hmm not sure. We just know for a fact that the "Tidesages" existed before they / some of them settled in Stormsong/the Shrine, for example. (And it was fairly recently if I recall correctly) -- MyMindWontQuiet 14:20, 24 May 2018 (UTC)