Talk:The Argent Tournament (Horde)

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3 new quests added to the Argent Tournament as of today's PTR build

  1. Quest:Mastery of Melee (horde)
  2. Quest:Mastery of the Charge (horde)
  3. Quest:Mastery of the Shield Breaker (horde)

( Morph | Contribs | Talk ) 05:15, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

I see they changed the old mounts to have the new options so that means these 2 quests should problably be #2 after You Can Learn A Lot From A Dummy - since these are training quests as well -- ( Morph | Contribs | Talk ) 05:35, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
I am copying another character over to check - will be tomorrow it looks like -- ( Morph | Contribs | Talk ) 06:25, 7 March 2009 (UTC)
Ok I checked on my new character and what they did was replace Quest:You can learn a lot from a Dummy (Horde) with the following: (they broke it down into 3 seperate quests)
  1. Quest:Mastery of Melee (Horde)
  2. Quest:Mastery of the Charge (Horde)
  3. Quest:Mastery of the Shield Breaker (Horde)

A Valiant of <RACE> and Valiant of <RACE> are BOTH wrong! You actualy do The Valiant's Charge

When you become a champion of your race the other races quest HordeThe Valiant's Charge opens up not HordeA Valiant of <RACE> nor HordeValiant of <RACE> - it is the same quest you did originaly for your Racial facton (you loop back again for each racial facion - collecting 25 [Valiant's Seals]) until you become a champion for that race - ( Morph | Contribs | Talk ) 18:32, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

There however is a bug still existing in Build 9704 that prevents you from Championing a 3rd race - I curently have 2 titles <of Gnomeregan> and <of Stormwind> and awaiting the time I can start my 3rd -- ( Morph | Contribs | Talk ) 18:32, 19 March 2009 (UTC)
Blah. They've obviously changed it again since the build when I hit gnomer and started on darny. --k_d3 03:37, 20 March 2009 (UTC)