Talk:Sylvanas Windrunner/Archive1

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I have confirmed that the correct spelling of her name is "Sylvanas Windrunner". I thought it had 2 N's in it. Just so everyone knows.

--FeldmanSkitzoid 20:39, 9 Mar 2005 (EST)

Question: is there any relation between Sylvanas and alleria windrunner?

Sylvanas Windrunner, Alleria Windrunner and Vereesa Windrunner are believed to all be sisters of one-another. It is confirmed in the The Well of Eternity that Sylvanas is indeed Vereesa's sister, though I have not read any reference myself that included Alleria, though the articles creator does though. Jemimus 11:45, 13 Jul 2005 (EDT)

Funny Fact:

Sylvanas signed the statue of Alleria in the entrance of Stormwind.

(Not Funny, but still interesting) After the second war, Alleria though all her family was dead. That's why she was so thirsty of vengeance against the Horde.

--Shatiana 14:22, 20 Oct 2005 (EDT)

Both War of the Ancients (the Well of Eternity) and Day of the Dragon confirm that Alleria, Sylvanas and Vereesa are sisters. --Ragestorm 20:15, 3 Dec 2005 (EST)

What if Alleria returns from Outland? She'll find her people joined horde and his sister is trying to develop a plague that will wipe out life on Azeroth? --mko 11:45, 18 May 2006 (EDT)

Since when is Sylvanas intent of wiping out life on Azeroth? Anyway, my guess is that Alleria would remain in support of the Alliance and try to find her uncorrupted sister, Vereesa, who, being married to Rhonin, one of the Kirin Tor, would probably still be a High Elf and not one of the Sin'dorei.--Ragestorm 15:51, 18 May 2006 (EDT)

Well, there is the Royal Apothecary Society who are developing the New Plague. And considering that the Apothecarium is located right around the Royal Quarter of Undercity, it would seem odd that Sylvanas would not know what they are doing. There is one thing that puzzles me about the claim that Alleria thought that her family was dead. Sylvanas was the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, so news about her health should have spread quickly. Or did she attain this rank after Alleria's departure to Draenor? --Shalkis 03:37, 29 May 2006 (EDT)

My fanfic's still fanfic but it sometimes answers to canon lore questions like that :-). Alleria was the Ranger-General of Silvermoon and when she was reported dead by the Alliance which had lost all hope to see her again her sister Sylvanas was appointed Ranger-General. I should also say that : no, the Royal Apothecaries don't seek the doom of living creatures-they're just building new weapons to serve the Horde or, most likely, the immediate interests of the Forsaken. They're not evil themselves, but they have a very twisted mentality.--K ) (talk) 16:38, 11 November 2006 (EST)

Corporeal form

When Sylvanas got "able to maintain her physical form", was it her old body (which Arthas killed in Quel'Thalas) or another one? - Sikon 01:35, 29 May 2006 (EDT)

That's what se don't know. --Ragestorm 10:53, 29 May 2006 (EDT)

I'm surprised that nobody's brought up the most obvious theory regarding this issue just yet -- they simply didn't have a separate new model for Sylvanas in the original game, for whatever reason, so they gave her the Banshee. By the time of the expansion they created the Dark Ranger and gave her that.

I don't think there was ever meant to be a difference, it's more akin to a retcon. But that's my theory.

--Wasted 06:06, 2 July 2006 (EDT)

Ah, yes, but we were searching for a lore reason, as you did on the Night Elf page ;-P it's all academic, anyway--Ragestorm 07:39, 2 July 2006 (EDT)
I think it was most likely just a retcon, and to be honest, if it *is* a retcon, then you don't *need* an "in lore" explanation. That's the whole point of retroactive continuity. It would simply mean "Sylvanas was never the banshee that we saw in WarCraft III". I mean, you don't see them going to pains to explain why people worshipped "God" in WarCraft I, but now worship the "Holy Light" do you? ;) (Ulicus 19:19, 25 July 2006 (EDT))

According to the RPG, she later regained her original body, but she had gone through a time where she was noncorpeal banshee.Baggins 13:01, 15 March 2007 (EDT)

Is it really even revelant to mention that some fans think that a retcon took place (where they believe she never had a noncorpreal form), when official sources confirm that she infact originally was a banshee spirit before taking on her phyiscal form?Baggins 13:41, 18 March 2007 (EDT)
Ghostlands appears to be that very retcon. "He took her ravaged body and cast unholy spells upon it! Creating from what had once been good a thing of evil! He twisted the soul of Sylvanas Windrunner... And turned her into the banshee she is now!" - Dark T Zeratul 18:49, 18 March 2007 (EDT)
I disagree, the "flashback" picture clearly shows her spirit to be outside her body, and it never has a follow up picture showing her spirit being reinserted back into the body. So there is plenty of room that explanation given in other official sources that she "regained her original" body is still valid. The thing that all sources agree on she is still a banshee even after regaining her physical form, and has retained banshee powers in all the undead forms she's appeared in, including after she regained her physical body.Baggins 20:59, 18 March 2007 (EDT)
The new lament of the highborne video confirms that she indeed had her banshee soul ripped from her body, at one point.Baggins 19:24, 19 September 2007 (UTC)

Sylvanas and the Blood Elves

There is this one issue that I have been wondering about ever since they mentioned that the Blood Elves are going to join the Horde. It is this: If Sylvanas Windrunner was the 'leader' of the High Elves in WC3, and she is still 'alive' only in her Undead form, then when the Blood Elves (who are in truth the High Elves, only corrupted a bit - much like Sylvanas herself) then why would she not want to command both races, as in reality, they are both the same people, only that one is corrupted through death and the other corrupted through living. The people who are now the Blood Elves will surely still recognize Sylvanas as only 5 years have passed. So why has this issue never been brought up before?--Stavious

Because Sylvanas wasn't the leader of all the High Elves, she was just the captain of the elite rangers unit. The true leader was King Anasterian Sunstrider, hence the regular leader is his heir and son, Kael'thas.--K ) (talk) 12:02, 19 October 2006 (EDT)
But won't the Blood Elves who are now in Azeroth be glad to be once again under the leaderish of their proud general Sylvanas. In WC3 it seemed like she cared so much about them, surely she won't forget it because she has a grey skin now. She is an Undead in appearance, but not in mind (as the Lich King doesn't truely control her). Why won't they unit with her and give her command once more? Kael'thas is in Outland and can't really take care of his Blood Elves left in Azeroth. Did Blizzard consider this sligthly forgotten connection?

Sign your posts, please. The connection was noted by Blizzard, that's one (actually, the only iron-clad) of the lore reasons that the Sindorei joined the Horde. Also, a large number for Forsaken were once humans, not elves. Finally, it's just too much territory for Sylvanas to control on her own- even if they crowned her Queen or something, she'd still have to let Loth'remar (or Lor'themar, or whatever his name is) rule Silvermoon. --Ragestorm 13:15, 19 October 2006 (EDT)

The Sylvanas-Sindorei relation does explain why the two races start out friendly towards each others. Knowing that the Sindorei hate the undead so much, starting friendly with the Forsaken (and vice versa) is a great sign that they still feel something for their former Ranger-general. Lor'themar Theron, current leader of the blood elves (and perhaps the "real" leader, considering that Kael might eventually bite the dust) was also Sylvanas's second in combat in the Rangers. --DarthMuffin 20:06, 21 October 2006 (EDT)

I highly doubt the blood elves would be greeting the Forsaken with hugs and kisses, and vice versa. They may have been humans and elves in life but they are something altogether different and horrifying now.--Grid 16:39, 10 November 2006 (EST)

True, but the reputation bar speaks for itself. Obviously, Sylvanas commands some respect across the borders of Quel'Thalas that transcends whatever racial prejudices toward undead the elves might have. It's possible some blood elves feel some empathy for the Forsaken, since most were citizens of Lordaeron and likewise had their homes destroyed by the Scourge. User:Montag/sig 19:12, 10 November 2006 (EST)
Listening to the NPC dialogue in Silvermoon, it's clear that not all of the blood elves are so eager to forgive and forget and accept the Forsaken. - Dark T Zeratul 18:51, 18 March 2007 (EDT)

What rep bar? If you mean seeing it on "Friendly", it is probably due to the fact that rep grinding is much easier in the expansion now, and it is already confirmed that Blood Elf starting characters will interact with some Forsaken NPCs in their earlier level grinds.--Grid 16:25, 11 November 2006 (EST)

While the rep grind is easier, they start off at Friendly with the Forsaken (and vice versa for the Forsaken), and neutral with everyone else. --Maenos 16:51, 11 November 2006 (EST)
I'm just saying there are probably lore reasons for that, as well as for Forsaken NPCs to be in Quel'Thalas and Northern Plaguelands. User:Montag/sig 18:42, 11 November 2006 (EST)

Confirmed on my mage. I start off friendly with Silvermoon. It seems they do have a kinship with each other.--Grid 01:10, 11 December 2006 (EST)


I often see people calling her Sylvanus where does that mispelling come from?

People not realizing that it has an "a", and other people in fantasy using a "u". Sign your posts, please. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 12:16, 17 February 2007 (EST)
I was always thinking there her name is Sylvanus. I am feeling just like I've seen the "u" variant somewhere in WC3 RoC. I'll check it out.Elf-Eluna-Alina 04:30, 1 march 2007
Sylvanas Windrunner's WC3 RoC sound set is named Sylvanus. User:tgudgeon. 20:17 GMT
Strange Americans... Never seen ANYONE misspell her name like that on European servers. --Efreeti 20:29, 11 April 2007 (EDT)
Right, it'd sound like "anus". Instead, we Europeans are much more used to misspelling the name "Sylvannas".--K ) (talk) 04:43, 12 April 2007 (EDT)

Ghostlands doesn't say anything about her soul being ripped from her body

It doesn't "say" her soul is being ripped from her body but it physically shows it outside her body in the picture. Since its the last picture in the "flashback", and there are no follow up flashback shots, it certainly doesn't show the soul being put back into her body. So I don't see there necessarily being a contradiction or retcon with other current published sources which state that she was in banshee spirit form for a time.Baggins 20:52, 18 March 2007 (EDT)

Lady Sylvanas' Equipment?

Can anyone give me a full list of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner's equipment as seen on her character model in World of Warcraft? I notice Thrall has an equipment list, for example... I think Sylvanas should have one, too. ~ Doc Lithius (U)(T)(C) 10:22, 7 April 2007 (EDT)


Items that look like what she's wearing in WoW:

  • Head: Nightsky Cowl
  • Shoulders: ??
  • Chest: Spiderfang Carapace
  • Gloves: Deathbone Gauntlets (Not correct. These are the Bonefingers dropped in RFDs)--Millicent 16:09, 23 September 2007 (UTC)
  • Belt: Deathbone Girdle
  • Legs: Bottom half of Robes of Arugal or Necropile Robe (there's no such item for PCs, so far as I know, and wearing the full robe would prevent one from wearing the breastplate)
  • Boots: Deathbone Sabatons
  • Sword: Cruel Barb
  • Bow: ??

Her equipment according to the RPG:

  • Sunstrider's Longbow
  • Bottomless Quiver (w/silver, cold iron, and adamantine arrows)
  • +5 studded leather armor
  • Rod of Undead Mastery
  • Robes of Elven Kings
  • Superior Boots of Elvenkind
  • Cloak of Writhing Shadows
  • Girdle of Giant Strength +6

The bow, rod, robes, and cloak are unique items.

--Egrem 14:20, 18 April 2007 (EST)

Greatly appreciated, Egrem! If there's anything I can do for you in return, fire away! ~ Doc Lithius (U)(T)(C) 18:28, 23 April 2007 (EDT)


Not that we know how it loooks, but her bow is probably Sunstrider's Longbow. --Odolwa 18:48, 23 April 2007 (EDT)


The shoulders are part of a horde PvP set. Mage i think.--GBush 9:30, 15 November 2007


I Cannot correctly Edit WoWwiki can some add that Hydross the Unstable/Dead Kael Drop Mail Chest items with "Ranger-General" Prefix or Suffix.--Betrayer 8:20. 22 February 2008


If anyone could post what gear Sylvanas Windrunner is using now (after patch; 3.2.2a) that would be greatly appreciated! --sinzeek 00:32, 6 November 2009

Her current model is a custom one and is not "wearing equipment." -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 23:54, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

Picture Suggestion

I think it might be more appropriate to have the Metzen sketch from the Manual of Monsters at her headline picture as opposed to the Ryan Sook art from Through the Dark Portal currently in place. I think many will agree with me here that the Metzen art is a more accurate representation of what she really looks like.

Sign your posts, please. I agree that the TGC art is lacking, and should be changed, but I disagree with the use of Metzen's sketch as a headline image. This is also an aesthetic choice- both Metzen and the TCG are accurate representations of her appearance. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 21:35, 27 April 2007 (EDT)

More than any other character, Sylvanas' appearance has been very inconsistent:

  • Frozen Throne: Red eyes, light blue skin, dark blue hair, no facial markings.
  • World of Warcraft: White eyes, pale grey skin, white hair, facial markings.
  • RPG: White eyes, alabaster white skin, white hair, facial markings.
  • TCG: White eyes, pink skin, white hair, facial markings.
  • Manga: White eyes, white skin, black hair, no facial markings.

The dark ranger look seems to have been retconned out, as it hasn't been used for any post-Frozen Throne appearances. It seems like they've been going for a very pale look (white eyes/skin/hair, black clothes) since then, though even that hasn't been consistent - her skin in WoW is grey (because that's the closest they could get using a standard night elf model), her skin looks far too pink in the TCG art (even accounting for the lighting), and the black hair in the manga is presumably a mistake (she had it even in the pre-Scourge flashbacks, and we know that she was blonde then). The use of facial markings has also been inconsistent, though since Metzen included them in his drawing they probably are supposed to be there.

  • Egrem 15:29, 28 April 2007 (EDT)
I would have to agree, that I personally prefer the Metzen artwork over the TCG artwork. Although I also like the Manga artwork as well (if the only reason for not using metzen, is its lack of "color"). IMO, TCG has the worst quality, don't know if its a scan issue, or the composition, but the coloring looks horrible, and looks pretty bad on computers using higher resolution modes, almost blurry, squished, and too tiny for the infobox.Baggins 15:39, 28 April 2007 (EDT)
I still don't particularly like Metzen's image, but if it gets a consensus, I won't protest. Personally, I'd favor her manga appearce, apart from the fact that she wears a night elf outfit. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 17:13, 28 April 2007 (EDT)
The manga outfit is kinda druid/wardenish, at least the feathers...Baggins 17:15, 28 April 2007 (EDT)
What kinda? It's a knockoff of the Kaldorei druid from the WoW opening cinematic (the one with the broken sword), which in itself is a knockoff of the standard Sentinel outfit Shandris and the rest of the archer corps wore during the Long Vigil. I personally like it because it references that fact that Sylvanas and Shandris had the same model in WC3, but when compared to the rest of the high elves, it just looks weird. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 17:23, 28 April 2007 (EDT)

The stitched look references her reconstruction after her death. In no iteration save World of Warcraft's generic night elf model has she ever had symmetrical facial tattoos. That aside, she's not a night elf, and she's presented as one in World, not even with a unique skin. As such, I don't think this model is an accurate representation, and thus, I don't think the TCG based on it is accurate. Also, the written descriptions from the RPG have been questionable throughout. -Parqual Fintalas

I'd suggest against the manga picture as a headline picture, much for the reasons Ragestorm noted; her clothing is much too night elven, a replica of the feathered leather outfit which appears in a great deal of night elf art. I think an image from the manga should still be included in the article, naturally, just not at the top. - Parqual Fintalas

Wait, didn't you say that all WoW lore models were unique for the characters on the Tyrande picture discussion. The quote is "And don't shrug off the in-game models, the crew works just as hard on them as they do on concept art. If they wanted to put facial markings on Tyrande in either game, they could have, and they decided not to." (Talk:Tyrande Whisperwind/Shadows&Light) ... And now you're saying that this one is wrong because you disagree with it? Hypocrite much? User:Kirkburn/Sig3 16:45, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Can someone point me to another image of her with the stitching? It's no more accurate or inacurate than the manga image. I'm tempted to throw up the WoW screenshot "due to artistic clashes." --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 21:09, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
About the stitches, according to the RPG, Forsaken are capable of "heal naturally"[1], so really all she needed to do is wait for her face to heal together, and the stitches to fall out, :p, I bet she's uspet that we got a picture of her after her unfortunate bit of plastic surgery... ;).Baggins 21:32, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Trust me, if Sylvanas knows we exist, her image is the least of our worries. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 22:04, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
If they can heal why are they so rotten? What is the extent of their healing? Do they embalm themselves to last more than a year?--SWM2448 22:06, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Ahh, well essentially it has something to do with difference between mindless undead, and being an intelligent undead (don't ask me I have no idea), mindless or controlled dead will continue to decompose. But moment they get their intelligence back, the decomposition stops... Or in some cases what ever decomposition they went through while in the grave, before reanimation.
They can't heal from whatever damage occured in their mindless state, or "dead" state, but they can heal from additional damage after they became Forsaken. That's not to say they can't still lose bits of their flesh if was barely hanging on anyways, or damaged in battle too severely. But things like scratches and stitched wounds apparently can heal over time. Yes, again I don't understand the processes, :p... It seems a bit silly to me.Baggins 22:12, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Ok more information, necromantic magic is what is keeping them preserved, but natural decay still occurs, just slower than normal. So they can only heal from wounds inflicted to them, not those created through processes of "decay". Additionally they can be healed through spells like "death coil", and Holy Light based spells causes them damage (this is another reason for the change to the philosphy of the Shadow.).Baggins 22:24, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Are we leaving this up to an aesthetic debate? The TCG version makes her look like a pirate IMO (not that's a BAD thing per se, just not appropriate.) The Metzen version makes her looks like a horrid mess, and in my eyes doesn't really cut it to be a headline pic. Really, my favorite picture of the bunch is at the bottom where she's on her throne brooding, but we have a policy for official pics only if they exist for headline pics. Pzychotix 23:06, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
Ya your right the TCG makes her look like a pirate, a midget pirate :pBaggins 23:21, 31 May 2007 (UTC)
The one on her throne is fanart, and we don't use fanart unless there is no other recourse. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 02:27, 1 June 2007 (UTC)

Too many pictures in there. Please decide which ones we have to take off before I do so.--K ) (talk) 14:03, 22 September 2007 (UTC)

I would say the manga image of the ritual (it's not a very good shot), the one of her battling the Scourge invaders (it just seems like we don't need it), anthe one of her proclaiming hre faction to be the Frosaken (that's a really bad shot). Just my opinion. Ellethwen 16:16, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

"Sylvanas before her death.", The Ritual Magna pic, and Sylvannas proclaims her faction the forsaken (Bad SS). Maybe also "Sylvannas locked in thought" fanart. It's probably my favorite fanart of all time but theres alreay so many other detailed, colored pics of Sylvanas. Sylvanas "lament of the Highborne" fanart i think is approrpriate for the section it resides in, even more so with blizz using it. I have a question though. Would a mini-gallery like seen with Singe be appropriate? With the excpetion of one or two, every imagine on this page is worth having IMO.Warthok 18:11, 23 September 2007 (UTC)

Kerrigan of Warcraft?

I think there should be a mention of similarities of character between Sylvanas and Kerrigan from Starcraft. They two characters are extremely similar:

  • Both were defenders of their previous nations
  • Both were "turned" and changed from their native forms
  • Both broke from their new masters to form new factions
  • Both now have some "longing" to return to their forms.

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Venixer (talk · contr).

Definetly a parallel there. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 12:09, 19 July 2007 (UTC)
The undead mission 5 (Dreadlord's fall) is also a direct copy of one of the Kerrigan missions in brood war (True colors), there is also the fact that Sylvanas tended to kill off people working for her in that game (or at least Garithos), except for Varimathras, just like Kerrigan and Duran. However, there are a lot of warcraft characters with Kerrigan similarities (Arthas becoming the Lich King's major servant, just like the overmind planned for Kerrigan, with a similar "was once a champion of the humans fighting the scourge" story. Kel'thuzad also has the similarity of having to be protected and reborn into the scourge, similar to the chrysalis in starcraft. (Personally, I think making Sylvanas a Kerrigan copy was very lazy.)Minionman 17:28, 2 August 2007 (UTC)


Does anyone have her stats for WC3 or WoW? Like HP and the like. I would log onto wow with my patch to see but the computer thats on is no longer here =/ -- Eimii 08:46, 23 July 2007 (UTC)

Yes, it is redundant

That is the point of the introduction. It is meant to give an overview of an article, or an essay, or what have you. Mind you, not even all of it is "covered below". It will be readded. --Sky (t · c · w) 07:11, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

I personally find the article way too verbose, loaded with unnecessary details and adjectives & adverbs (her valiant efforts?? She fought valiantly against Arthas?). Here's an example of the proper format [1]. It is much shorter and concise. Personally I think we need to follow this standard. --Raze 07:22, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
Then make it closer to NPOV, if that's the issue. Deleting the introductory paragraph is silly. --Sky (t · c · w) 07:26, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
Be careful of removing unique and cited information if it doesn't exist elsewhere in the article. Removing entire paragraphs is dangerous if it removes valid information. Exception being intro paragraphs vs main content. Intro is standard and should cover the highlights of the article, for people looking for quick info.
Large paragraphs that describe unique events should not be removed, but should be correctly cited. For example explanations of what she was doing during Warcraft III campaigns, should be as accurate as possible to what happens in the campaign, and not leave out any bits of information. If anything this article could probably use some more citations in places rather than subraction...Baggins 07:30, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
NPOV isn't the only problem. There's also absolutely no need for a massive introductory paragraph in any wiki articles, it should never be long enough to warrant one. A lot of the details I mention include the exact movements of a specific battle, they could at least be moved to a separate article, and have the battle summarised in concise terms regarding who was the victor and what were the impacts after.
Again short and concise, many articles on this site are just hideously long. That's my opinion. Again read the link I posted for a better format. I'll try not delete unique information in the future as well.--Raze 07:35, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
I don't know what you see but I see an intro/overview in Elrond that is about as long as the intro/overview section in this article. The only difference is the lack of the "Character Overview" section title.Baggins 07:40, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
It doesn't recount his entire history, it only talk about his ancestry and appearance, information that isn't repeated in the article. --Raze 07:44, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
You mean short and sweet like these? Seriously. If you're going to draw conclusions from wikipedia, you should provide more examples. ;) --Sky (t · c · w) 07:42, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
OK my bad, not all wiki articles. But this one doesn't need to be, especially when it's just recounting the same plot twice. There are still npov phrases that can be removed. --Raze 07:50, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
True, and I encouraged you to do so. :) --Sky (t · c · w) 07:52, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

A mage

It says shes a mage, I just skimmed through her article and I didn't see anything that says shes a mage, where did this come from? Mr.X8 21:31, 20 August 2007 (UTC)

The RPG? User:Kirkburn/Sig3 21:53, 20 August 2007 (UTC)
talk to the hobbit. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 23:20, 20 August 2007 (UTC)

What? And Kirkburn, do you mean that as a sarcastic remark or a geniune response? Mr.X8 00:47, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

Baggins is the hobbit :) It was indeed a genuine remark - it was probably one of her classes in the RPG, but I don't have access to the info. User:Kirkburn/Sig3 01:58, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

oh, I just thought that seemed out of place for her Mr.X8 20:14, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

Well, appearantly the RPG is lying. Sylvanas is nowhere near a mage! --Odolwa 00:45, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

Let me check on this.
"Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is a 10th-level elven ranger/10th-level warrior/10th-level mage.
Yep its in the RPG, it apparently has to do with some of the abililities she has in the RPG. Probably also has to do with the Dark Ranger class, which mixes necromancy and other arcane magic in place of druidic nature magic. ...or possibly arcane based banshee powers.Baggins 00:49, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

It has just become confusing and strange since the RPG-stuff was introduced into the Wiki. For instance, Sargeras, the Dark Titan, the Destroyer of Worlds, is classed as "Fighter". How silly doesn't that sound? --Odolwa 21:08, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, just like Tyrande is a priest and she has a huge tiger. Priests don't have huge tiger pets, hunters/druids/rangers/beastmasters do. IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs

Isnt a pet, its a mount! Also your sig is borked fix it please and use a timestamp  D ♠ T ♣ C ♦  01:05, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Well, it is in many ways a pet - Ash'alah. And why shouldn't a priest have a pet? User:Kirkburn/Sig3
Yep, according to Tyrande's obsolete stat block in the RPG she's a Healer with the Priestess and Huntress prestige classes. Using a little common sense and the second edition of rules one could place her in the Priestess and Huntress base classes.

So as to avoid any confusion, shouldn't we put (RPG) next to RPG classes, and use a citation link or link to the respective edition or book, or make a seperate section of the character panel? I'm sure a lot of people who don't read talk pages are scratching their heads, and people do rely on this Wiki for information.

...although it does seem kind of mean riding your pet's back.  ; ; --Super Bhaal 06:58, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Then all characters over level 40 are evil  D ♠ T ♣ C ♦  10:45, 14 September 2007 (UTC)
Nah, Tyrande's block said lawful neutral so if anyone brings up the immorality in her actions ( like murdering a bunch of night elves to release Illidan or riding on a cat ) she can just pull the "Elune told me, lol" card. --11:25, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

who added her being a sorcerer? Mr.X8 01:18, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

According to the RPG stats she had levels in that, rather than mage, but since they have mage listed right next to sorcerer that works too. --Super Bhaal 01:24, 27 September 2007 (UTC)
She's listed as a sorcerer in the Warcraft RPG, and a mage in World of Warcraft RPG. Because of certain gameplay conversions due to changes to the game mechanics and removal of certain classes.--Baggins 03:19, 27 September 2007 (UTC)03:15, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

Are the character class descriptions really needed? They don't really provide that much information outside of gameplays for the different games, and kind of squeeze the characters into boxes.Minionman 01:45, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

We add all classes that a character has been said to be in any Warcraft source.Baggins 01:49, 16 December 2007 (UTC)


I thought in Warcraft the Forsaken were their own faction, am I right or wrong?--Mr.X8 20:22, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

Theys are a subfaction of the Horde, but have no real loyalties to them.--SWM2448 20:23, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
I like thinking of them as the Scarlet Crusade: accepted, but viewed as creepy. --Super Bhaal 21:12, 21 August 2007 (UTC)


Her Mount

Most leaders have mounts. Would she have the Forsaken undead horse mount, or possibly the mounts of her people that were transformed into the undead. I am talking about either some sort of undead Hawkstrider, or an undead Elven horse IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs

Vereesa Windrunner's mount of choice was the elven horse.Baggins 16:55, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

So most likely an Elven horse. There probably wouldn't be too much of a skeleton difference between the two species of horses. Possibly just bigger openings on an Elven horse where the ears would go. IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs

An elven horse is just a regular horse species, I don't think they have "elven ears", LawlBaggins

Elven horses are a breed of horse bred by the high elves. According to the high elves generations of breeding had created an animal far superior to its mundane cousins. The Elven Horse has long ears like their breeders and also has a long mane from the horse's head/neck, all the way towards to the Elven Horse's tail.DotD 13,14

Retrieved from ""' IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs "Most leaders have mounts"? The only racial leaders I have ever seen on a mount is Thrall and Tyrande.--Odolwa 18:53, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Malfurion had a stag mount in War3. But he only appears a vision in WoW.Baggins 19:11, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

True, the reason I skipped him was because of the fact that he is absent.--Odolwa 20:47, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Odolwa, do you think people like Cairne are going to walk around and not have a mount? If leaders can't have mounts, I know I wouldn't want to be oneMr.X8 21:20, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

They probably have mounts, but we have no proof of it, whereas the statement "Most leaders have mounts" is misleading. But I get your point, one can wonder what type of mount Sylvanas would choose.--Odolwa 22:00, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

But you are right. I guess I should have worded it better Mr.X8 22:27, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Jaina likely doesn't have a need for a mount, she's an expert at teleportation. However, like most archmages she'd probably have a unicorn or a horse.Baggins 22:34, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Agreed. When walking would be too tedious and teleporting too much Jaina probably does own a horse, like millions of other people in fantasy, for "quick trips" or whatnot ( Rhonin, Brox, and Illidan used nightsaber mounts in WotA, Gandalf had Shadowfax, I even think Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee had horses for such purposes ). I can't see Sylvanas getting on a mount, though ( she seems the woodsy "I like to hike" type ), and while I hate to bring game mechanics into these discussions she was listed as having "increased movement speed" ( "Scourge salient power", the ability to "leap" from place to place with her cloak, as well as her old banshee flight, believe it or not... ) in Manual of Monsters, which may explain how she covers distance or something. As said before, game mechanics, lol. It's like trying to give stats to Drizzt Do'Urden, or Elminster: it's happened, but in the end it's just for people who want to kill the character. --Super Bhaal 02:39, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

Granted, her maintained banshee abilities are actually written into other lore in the RPG, and hinted at in the manga as well. The manga shows her banshee scream iirc. Retained banshee abilities are also locked into the Dark Ranger class as well, if i'm not mistaken? Though this is going into another discussion altogether. BTW, she is listed with "Fast movement speed", not the salient, "Fearsome speed".Baggins 03:19, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

Not sure about the banshee stuff because Sylvanas was unique, but the class in the HPG seems to emulate her. As for movement speed, this Taelohn person who wrote up a bunch of stats lists her as having levels in barbarian but I can't find rage in her abilities so I just assumed she had the salient power and White Wolf either misprinted it or listed it as "increased movement speed" ( have you seen the unofficial errata? Eugh. ). I guess if her abilities are that interesting we could take it to a Watch Bhaal and Baggins talk about tabletop RPGs. user talk page or something since I don't like going off topic and derailing things. --Super Bhaal 03:59, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

well, the gnome king has a gold and black mechanostrider (saw it at brewfest), so maybe Sylvanas has one... User:IbbertTheGnome/Sig 00:06, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

In the Battle for the Undercity, Sylvanas is riding a red skeletal warhorse. Horderoyale (talk) 02:00, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Did she have brothers?

In [2] it says that Vereesa wanted to follow her brothers and sisters, but this could very well be a manner of speech, and refer to her fellow elves. Saying that Sylvanas has or had brothers isn't nescecarilly correct.

She did have brothers. one younger than veressa and one older. Whether the elder brother was older than sylvannas or alleria is unknown. page 16 WoE. Warthok 23:29, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
Is this true? This elder brother may be Sylvos Windrunner, Sylvannas' twin, I didn't read WoE yet so I can't confirm. Pudim17 (talk) 15:44, 2 February 2009 (UTC)