Talk:Spell Lock

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Has anyone actually noticed that the spell interrupt is a side effect of Spell Lock. Spell Lock is just a silencing skill for a Felhunter. Same as with a Priest's silence, it will make a spell fail. So, once again, Spell Lock is a SILENCING skill, not an interrupt per se. So the AI isn't "woefully inadequate", it's doing just what the skill does. It's silencing a caster mob for a few seconds. Granted, a player would use it in the middle of a lengthy cast time, just to annoy people. But the AI doesn't seem to have the vicious streak that players have. Also, seeing as I'm in a ranting (ish) mood. Spell Lock isn't the "Felhunter equivilent of Counterspell". It's actually the Felhunter equivilent of [Silence]. Whole damn article updated to show new information. Geeze, it's like people never do housekeeping after an update... Gridlock 13:52, 14 July 2007 (UTC)

Even though I concur, I don't exactly get what your point is. The page's content was true for quite some time; Spell Lock simply was altered. There are many spell pages which aren't accurate any more, so feel free to do updates where necessary. Besides, I wouldn't call it an equivalent of [Silence] either, as it is a mix of both. --bfx 16:44, 14 July 2007 (UTC)