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Do we really need an explicit source to remove the mutated chimaera thing out of speculation? It just seems like common sense honestly. Where else did these chimaeras pop up from?--Berenal (talk) 05:01, 30 March 2019 (UTC)

I guess the only other option would be that the mutated chimaeras of Outland would be regular chimareas that could've been located in the ecodomes of Netherstorm, who got out and then transformed as Draenor shattered? I don't think there are any chimaeras in the Eastern Kingdoms, so it's unlikely that they would've been brought to Draenor through the portal.. Guess it's just one of those cases where there's a fairly obvious answer, but where we can't really say for sure. PeterWind (talk) 12:56, 30 March 2019 (UTC)
Yeah but the problem there is that there's no "regular Chimaeras". The new chimaeras in the Darkshore thing show that the rylak model is interchangable with Azerothian ones, so honestly 'Rylak' is probably just the orcish name for the same sort of species to begin with. Like how they have wolves on both azeroth and draenor. Anyway, to my point, from what I can see there aren't many, if any, on EK. The Eco-domes are also attempts to recreate Faralohn, which would only mean that any chimaeras from the eco-dome would be Rylaks as a result. All signs point to Rylaks, even the weird stretch that they'd bring them in from Azeroth doesn't make sense because none of the areas that the Orcs had access to had chimaeras.--Berenal (talk) 13:04, 30 March 2019 (UTC)
The eco-domes in the Netherstorm were built once Draenor was Outland no? On the topic, I don't recall any wild Chimeras in EK, so it is difficult they crossed the Dark Portal, but in the Third War and afterwards, with Illidan recruiting Demon Hunters etc. it is not impossible. Another option could be that simply these "corrupted rylaks" where named chimeras by the inhabitants of Azeroth who crossed the portal during the Outland war. Lastly and important thing, in-game models should not be considered as lore-wise evidences that they could be the sames species. Blizzard can be quite the slacker in this things and loves, really loooves, to reuse models. So yeah, like PT said, an obvious answer which we cannot confirm. --Ryon21 (talk) 14:29, 30 March 2019 (UTC)