Talk:Patch 9.0.1

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Class patch note issues on wiki

This is what I created on my own sandbox when the notes for patch 9.0.1 were finally provided and after I had combed through the section for the classes. I never finished the little project and no longer feel any inclination to do so. As such, I am moving it to here from my sandbox (minus most commentary) for others to perhaps deal with at their leisure. (I'm leaving in the ones that were finished by me as a "just in case" thing.) -- Alayea (talk) 19:10, 10 February 2021 (UTC)


  • Which version of "Swipe"?
  • Which version of "Stampeding Roar"?
  • Heart of the Wild - Does it need updating before it makes -any- sense? (Has two entries in 9.0.1 patch notes.)
  • Lunar Strike -> Starfire & Solar Wrath -> Wrath: A mess.


  • Focus Magic: Update or move original to make room?


  • Shuffle: Move MoP beta-only version or overwrite?
  • Blackout Strike -> Blackout Kick: ???


  • Healing Hands: Move current Cata-beta page or make it a note under SL incarnation? Done.gif


  • Dark Thoughts: Move current MoP-beta page or make it a note?
  • All the {{sic}}.
    • Seriously, Void Eruption and Voidform. Which is it?!


  • Alacrity: Started out general rogue talent, became Sub/Outlaw only, now also available for Sin.
  • Roll the Bones: Update description for individual buffs.
  • Retractable Hook: Page never created for 8.0.1.
  • Find Weakness: Messy.
  • Secret Technique: Same as RH above.


  • Windfury & Windfury Weapon: Confusing.
  • Forceful Winds: Page never made for 8.0.1(?). Done.gif
  • Stormkeeper: Move ele artifact trait page. Populate page with ele info first, add in later changes. Done.gif
  • Stormflurry: Move to enh artifact trait page. Done.gif
  • Lashing Flames: Move to enh artifact trait page. Done.gif
  • Searing Assault: Page never made for 7.0.3. Done.gif


  • Gateway Mastery: Page never added for 7.2.5 honor/pvp talent. Looks to not require much adjusting of tooltip in the interim. Done.gif
  • Demonic Consumption: Page never added for 8.0.1. Done.gif
  • Inferno: Looks like current "Inferno (warlock talent)" page needs moving first. Done.gif
  • Rain of Chaos: Move vengeance dh to disambiguated page to make room for renamed warlock talent.
  • Amplify Curse: Move current removed talent to "Amplify Curse (old)" Done.gif
  • Shadow Embrace: Same deal as AC. Done.gif
  • Inevitable Demise: Move current aff lock page to "Inevitable Demise (Azerite trait)"
  • Inner Demons: Same deal as ID.


  • Cruelty: Move "Cruelty (warrior talent)" to its own page or simply make note of it on the SL version?
  • Overwatch: Move current page to "Overwatch franchise" both for consistency and to make room for new PvP talent. Done.gif
  • Collateral Damage: Move current page to "Collateral Damage (achievement)" to make room for new warr talent. Done.gif
  • Dreadnaught: Make new page "Dreadnaught (warrior talent)" since it was never created for 8.0.1. Done.gif