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I am removing the warning about Rogues being immune to Overpower while under Evasion; I can find no source for this claim.

MikeKozar 02:57, 16 January 2008 (UTC)

Tips and Tactics

I am editing the Tips section, as I find it unclear. The original Tip is:

"The question is whether talent points should be spent into Improved Overpower, which give a critical hit chance of 50%. Overpower is one of the best abilities warriors have, instantly negating an enemy's dodge ability for a minor 5 rage. Upgrading it is not necessary as the damage increases are small. "

If the original intent of the tip is to discourage spending points on Imp.Overpower, it doesn't make its case clearly. Each sentence in the above seems to address a different topic. I intend to split it up into two; if I am missing the original intent, please feel free to add your tip back in, perhaps reworded. More info is always better.

MikeKozar 16:43, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

After attempting to split the existing Tip into two (RE: Improved Overpower and Upgrading), I find no reason to include the 'arguments against upgrading' section. I fear I do not understand what the original author was trying to convey, and I apologise if I am missing something important. The argument against upgrading is that the damage increases are small. If the author is refering to Improved Overpower, the damage increase is quite large, as I feel I have shown. If the author is refering to the 10g to buy up to Rank 4, the cost is outrageous, but no more so then any other skill, and anyone who uses Overpower should probably spend the money on general principles. I am removing this section until the original author's position can be made clear.

MikeKozar 18:26, 15 January 2008 (UTC)

Damage calculations

In updating the page, I ran across the following damage calculation:

  • "Combined with [Deep Wounds] and [Impale], this gives an Overpower a great chance of landing a Critical which will deal weapon damage plus 100%(crit) plus 20%(Impale), and 48% in bleed damage(Deep Wounds), making it the equivalent of 2.6 swings."

This appears to treat Overpower as dealing weapon damage, when it now deals 125% weapon damage; presumably this calculation was accurate at the time it was made. Since it appears out of date, I've done my best to update it, and include also the other buffs now available to the ability. I say 'my best' as I'm not overly familiar with how damage modifiers stack; my workings are below.

  • Base Overpower damage: 125% WD
  • Impale bonus: 20% crit damage
  • Deep Wounds (3 ranks): 48% WD

Giving a critical Overpower (125% WD * 220% (improved crit)) + 48% WD = 323% weapon damage

With  [Glyph of Overpower] and 3 stacks of [Lambs to the Slaughter]:

  • Glyph of Overpower: + 10% damage
  • Lambs to the Slaughter: + 30% damage

Giving a critical Overpower ((125% WD * 140%) * 220%) + 48% WD = 433% weapon damage

It's late and I've been on this computer far too long ;) if I've made any errors, please correct the formula/page, and leave me a note explaining it, as I'd be interested to know! -- Taohinton (talk) 22:18, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

What I was unsure of was whether such effects are combinative or multiplicative. Combining +10% and +30% buffs produces 140%. Multiplying +10% and +30% buffs produces 143%. If  [Glyph of Overpower] and [Lambs to the Slaughter] are multiplicative, the formula would look like this:

With  [Glyph of Overpower] and 3 stacks of [Lambs to the Slaughter]:

  • Glyph of Overpower: + 10% damage
  • Lambs to the Slaughter: + 30% damage

Giving a critical Overpower (125% WD * 110% * 130% * 220%) + 48% WD = 441.25% weapon damage

Though I can't find decent info anywhere about it, all the abilities I know of seem to multiply their buffs, so I've changed the formula on the page. -- Taohinton (talk) 22:30, 6 July 2011 (UTC)