Talk:Nathrezim (language)

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So, one of the male blood elf demon hunter /flirt emotes is "Want me to talk dirty? I do speak Nathrezim, you know..." Should this be considered as confirmation that the dreadlord language is just called "Nathrezim", meaning that the {{bettername}} template can be removed from this page? /silly and /flirt generally seem like they're not particularly reliable as sources of lore, considering there are things like the draenei male's "'Exodar' is actually the naaru word for 'defective elekk turd'" (paraphrasing) and that one of the male night elf DH jokes mentions being imprisoned for 10 years between TBC and Legion, even though that contradicts the timeline. In fact, one mention of the DHs being imprisoned for a decade was actually removed from N Demon hunter [8-45] Rise of the Illidari after Ian Bates pointed it out to Dave Kosak, who also mentioned that "The Demon hunters in beta have a /silly joke line that shouldn't be taken as canon, if that's what you mean" (likely referring to the aforementioned male night elf joke). So... any thoughts on this? -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 11:23, 6 October 2016 (UTC)

  • If anything, it is worth a note. --Mordecay (talk) 16:16, 8 October 2016 (UTC)