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Human Marksman, by User:Xavius


The Unseen Path marksman troops are considered bowmen according to this. --Mordecay (talk) 00:05, 14 August 2017 (UTC)

Mmh yes but you are trying to mix the general lore page about Marksmen and the Unseen Path Marksmen, which are special NPCs belonging to a particular organization. It's like how you said that "geomancers are earthcallers", without context it doesn't make sense and isn't sourced so for people it's confusing. It's cool that you are doing this but I think it'd be more helpful if you said something like "during the third invasion of the burning legion, the Unseen Path deployed marksmen that were bowmen" or something Xporc (talk) 00:07, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
Hm, yea that was sloppy, I guess. I actually worded it for brigands and buccaneers like that. Mordecay (talk) 00:18, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
No worries ^^ Maybe we should really do a template about the various class order troops, like we have {{Champions}}. It would make it less confusing Xporc (talk) 00:28, 14 August 2017 (UTC)