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There's a few problems I see with this article:

  • I don't think that the referenced Achievement is meant to indicate any actual lore, I think its value was placed in game for humor.
  • 3 people died, at least 1 lived, but this could have been a larger group. If we assume this was a raid, either Horuz was the offtank or the rogue pulled aggro, and there are no mentions healers or other DPS, so a 10 or 25-man group is likely.
  • There is also no reason to believe that these are all Dwarves, the artifacts could have been collected by Dwarves afterwards; however it should be noted that Dwarves can represent all of these classes in WoW.
  • There is a possible inconsistency in that Kaldrigos is of the blue flight (assumed from the Achievement icon), but is referenced as the "dread wyrm". Most dragons that would have terrorized humans abroad would be of the black flight, the blue flight did not become largely aggressive until Malygos went insane.

--DrDoom (talk) 12:12, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

  • If it's in the game, it's lore. If you say "nuh-uh, doesn't count" then you'd have to remove a VERY large number of other pages on this wiki.
  • There have always been aggressive members of all the dragonflights; just look at Warcraft 3. His name matches the blue dragon naming convention, and the icon is a blue dragon, therefore we should conclude that he was a blue dragon. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 19:40, 8 May 2011 (UTC)
  • Very valid points, I revised the article to add a bit more robustness to it, and made some conjectures about how early society might have learned from the experience of this battle. I was also careful to clarify the unknowns. --DrDoom (talk) 17:54, 10 May 2011 (UTC)