Talk:High Explorer Muninn Magellas

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The title of this page needs to be corrected. The character's name in World of Warcraft is High Explorer Magellas. Any reference to Munnin (however it is spelled) has nothing to do with the character's name as actually seen above his head in the game.--Dalnir (talk) 03:31, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Please read this policy on that topic.--SWM2448 17:14, 6 June 2008 (UTC)
As I read the policy, the intent is to prevent someone from, for example, having High Explorer Magellas' page titled simply Magellas. Any other interpretation or intent of that policy would only cause confusion with regard to characters found in-game. --Dalnir (talk) 21:23, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Actually the policy is to use a character's full lore name if known, rather than titles. If full lore name is not known then ingame name is used including titles. A lore name always takes precedence over ingame names. Also note that High Explorer Magellas is a diambig page for two individual articles.Baggins (talk) 21:43, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Why then did I read elsewhere in WoWWiki that the main purpose of this wiki is World of Warcraft information? Making listings by lore that most players will not know is counter to that stated purpose, just as having RTS or RPG Warcraft information listed without notation would have been. --Dalnir (talk) 21:55, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
It is world of warcraft information have you bothered to read the manual? While this website has alot of World of Warcraft information it is primarily a warcraft universe website, that means any source of Warcraft, not just WoW. See Project:About the wiki. I believe you have your information crossed.Baggins (talk) 21:58, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Perhaps you should read a little more in-depth before stating something. Quoting from Project:Lore policy,

"Information sources

Clarify the context of information. While this wiki serves as a repository for all Warcraft lore, there is an emphasis on the World of Warcraft game. Information which focuses on aspects of lore which may not match versions presented by other sources should be clearly labeled.

For example, a discussion of the physical manifestations of Elune’s powers is likely to leave a reader only familiar with World of Warcraft somewhat confused."

This is exactly my point. The naming of the NPC's page caused me confusion. I had to go in-game to find who was being talked about for certain. This is not how the page should be labeled. --Dalnir (talk) 22:28, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

No offense but if you can't tell who it is by the screenshot, I don't know what to think...Baggins (talk) 22:31, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Well I do take offense, but it doesn't surprise me that you don't know what to think. --Dalnir (talk) 22:38, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Yes, I do not know what to think about you not being able to tell who it was by the ingame screenshot. Especially considering the other "High Explorer Magellas" is specifically from the RPG, and has no picture, :). Take offense all you want, but it seems silly not being able to tell the difference with all the citations and differences given...Baggins (talk) 22:44, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Clearly you have a problem admiting when you are wrong. I will, however, try to help you understand that which you "do not know what to think about" with regard to my entries. I came to WoWWiki looking for a location for High Explorer Magellas, who is the quest giver for a quest that I wanted information about. When I clicked the link in the quest, I was sent to a disambiguation (note the spelling for your future use) page with Munnin and Tomli. I checked both links, since the link from the quest took me there. My confusion came when the Tomli NPC was stated as possibly being the same person as Munnin. The confusion was briefly over why there would be any reason to have the link in the quest "disambiguated" (hey, there's a conjugation for you free of charge) to two different pages dealing with two names that may indicate the same character. Seems to me that this makes for poor organization. Also, the picture that you so smugly remark about was originally labeled Munnin. That was just plain incorrect, since it was not a picture of anything from "lore" but a screenshot of the in-game character, whose in-game name, unlike any other in-game NPC, is High Explorer Magellas. Which is why I changed it and asked for the page name change. There seems to be no need for a second page for Tomli, and the best solution is for any information request about Tomli to be redirected to High Explorer Magellas' page for the lore information now found on both pages (redundant). With regard to your clear disregard for how you offended me, I think it clearly represents a good reason you should not be allowed to comment further, since you will likely offend others in the future, but that is not my decision, nor would I want it to be. --Dalnir (talk) 23:22, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Actually its not a matter of who is wrong (although you seem to have plenty of confusion on the policies). The policy itself as the admins maintain it has been setup by Kirkburn (yes that's his work on the about page). Secondly Tomli has his own article because he has his own information in the RPG sources. He's not in the game, but "exists". Again this site is not purely for World of Warcraft MMO only, but all sources of the Warcraft Universe. We don't delete pages just because something may not exist in the MM0. The speculaiton sections are that "speculation", we don't merge two differently labeled characters with their own seperate lore under the same page, we don't delete one because it can't be found in the MMO. Instead we list both with their full names (first and surname).Baggins (talk) 23:30, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Fine then. You can all take your mislabeled pages within your mislabeled wiki and have all the RP fun you want with it. I am done. In fact you can undo all the work I did trying to clean up your mess. I won't argue, because this is my last entry. I don't need the stress. --Dalnir (talk) 00:05, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

World of Warcraft Manual information

This is for anyone who might not have the manual;

High Explorer Magellas - Muninn Magellas has had an insatiable curiosity for history and arcana since he was a small boy. Now, as the patron of the Explorers’ Guild, his childhood wish has come true. Magellas is responsible for mapping out the world and cataloguing its various species, relics, and treasures for the generations to come. Employing a small army of Prospectors, Magellas has sent his agents all over the world to gain knowledge and insight for his people. Like King Magni, Magellas was grieved to hear of Brann’s loss. Nevertheless, he is committed to steering the Explorers' Guild and gaining valuable insight on the mistakes of the past.[1]

-Baggins (talk) 00:12, 9 June 2008 (UTC)


Shouldn't we merge Tomli Magellas and Magellan with this page? Currently it feels like every typo deserves its own character page ... Xporc (talk) 08:17, 3 August 2018 (UTC)

Merge Magellan into Tomli Magellas, but keep Tomli and Muninn separated. --Mordecay (talk) 12:59, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
Agreed -- MyMindWontQuiet 13:11, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
