Talk:Global functions

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Badly out of date

Since this is supposedly "automatically generated" do you think it would be possible to run whatever "automatic" process generates this list and produce something newer than the second-to-last major patch of the prior XPAC?--Mltco78dhs (talk) 00:41, 27 December 2018 (UTC)

maybe Foxlit could do it? Xporc (talk) 16:51, 28 December 2018 (UTC)
The thing is, it was Foxlit that automatically generated them here and on his FrameXML browser. I've been told that since patch 8.0 the WoW .exe was obfuscated making it harder to extract the global API this way. Ketho (talk) 20:03, 28 December 2018 (UTC)
My recommendation would be to take this page down then or archive it. Badly out of data information is worse than useless to a developer than no information at all (no information makes them hunt it down from some other source). Additionally, "since 8.0" doesn't explain why this isn't even up to 7.3. It has the feel of abandonment to me and as there were so very many changes to the API in 8.0, pulling it as current information is probably wise. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mltco78dhs (talk · contr).
Oh, I was wrong about "since 8.0", it was obfuscated since patch 7.3 [1]. There is BlizzardInterfaceResources by Resike that we could use and the Blizzard_APIDocumentation browser by Foxlit. Ketho (talk) 14:02, 1 January 2019 (UTC)
I updated the list for patch 8.1.0 but not sure if everything is correct. I used FindGlobals on the framexml and compared that with the global functions. Ketho (talk) 08:39, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
Thanks, @Ketho. That's very helpful. I'm putting together a current Notepad++ language pack for the WoW API and that first section is exactly what I was looking for. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mltco78dhs (talk · contr) on 17:28, 7 January 2019 (UTC).