Talk:Flight Master's License

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I suppose I could wait until tomorrow to find out, but I heard a rumour that this didn't apply to the Burning Crusade starting zones; Quel'Thalas and the Myst Isles. I'm not entirely sure I believe it, but I figured I'd ask just to make sure. It was something about flying not be enabled in the last Beta build within these areas. Myrlen Midnightstar (talk) 23:17, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

The Burning Crusade zones are still on a separate world server from the rest of the world, and are not physically attached to it. Blizzard has confirmed that flying will not be possible there. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 23:22, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
What's the reasoning behind it? I noticed they removed the Zul'Aman looking gates from Tor'Watha. Seems like they attempted to prep Quel'Thalas for flying. Myrlen Midnightstar (talk) 23:27, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
They said that attaching Quel'Thalas to the Eastern Plaguelands proved more complicated than they expected. They also said that it's because no one ever goes there, which I think is pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy with that attitude. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 04:02, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
For normal servers, probably. But I'm sure RP servers will still inhabit the place, since they always preferred its seclusion from PvP- and raid-oriented griefers. So with the blank land north of the Eastern Plaguelands, what happens if you fly into that area? Will they expand the portal to cover that whole thing, invisibly, so if someone flew into it, they'd port into Quel'Thalas? Myrlen Midnightstar (talk) 04:07, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, that'll definitely piss off the RPers in SMC. Qing Guang (talk) 03:25, 16 December 2010 (UTC)