Talk:Exodar Proselyte

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Is there any truth to the rumor that draenei were originally supposed to have the warlock class before Blizzard realized how inappropriate that was, and these guys were supposed to be trainees?
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Farseer Loloteatalkcontrib 09:19, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

I doubt it. They don't even LOOK like warlocks, and given how early they would have removed the class if they did (before draenei were announced), any potential class trainers would have been long gone by release. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 19:37, November 15, 2009 (UTC)
I agree that they don't look like warlocks, and think the rumor seems a bit fishy. But the rumor claimed that they were trainees—as in, students—not trainers. The trainer had supposedly long since been removed, leaving only the students. (For the record, here is where I saw the claim made.)
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Farseer Loloteatalkcontrib 20:21, November 15, 2009 (UTC)
Like I said, the fishiest part about it is that warlocks were explicitly not on the class list when the draenei were first announced, which was before any publicly playable builds existed. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 08:09, November 16, 2009 (UTC)