Talk:Deathwing (Warcraft II)

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color scheme

Noticed an interesting comment by Kyrenaz Kanir 6 years ago at

his portrait in warcraft 2 he was white/grey with steel plating on the top half of his head,
in warcraft 2 art he was black with steel plates down his neck

I thought the only art of him in the WC2 manual was just a line sketch though, so how could you tell he was black instead of white/gray?

I think the thing about the WC2 portrait is that it might just be blackwing's jaw which was white.

Best comparison I can think of is how the portrait for Dragon (Warcraft II) shows a yellow jaw even though the rare angles for the sprite you can see the jaw it's green.

Given that we only see the green jaw when it rears back to shoot fire, we might argue that maybe their jaws turn yellow when NOT breathine fire maybe because of the buildup of energy?

If that's the case, then that could explain deathwing's jaw turning white in the portrait (that's the energy built up because his mouth is closed, holding all that heat in) even though it presumably is also green when he shoots fire (he just has black wing webbing instead of the usual red).

The big contrast is basically he just has the grey adamantine steel skullplate in his icon but not in his avatar.

We can maybe handwaive that as the icon representing how he looked recently (when "virtually invulnerable to all physical attack") but maybe by the time you encounter him (where he's killable) that skull plate had been removed? Let's assume Rhonin teleported it into a lake or something. Tycio (talk) 05:11, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

AFAIK most heroes in Warcraft 2 had custom portraits but not custom sprites. He was a dragon, so he used the dragon sprite no matter how much it differed from his portrait. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk)