Talk:Applying affine transformations using SetTexCoord

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Useful Info

I'm already in a bad mood, but this page is really pissing me off right now. We (joe ui modder) don't need an incomplete course on matrix math. We need something we can plug numbers into.

Throwing up a matrix with six arbitrarily labeled unexplained variables isn't useful, even pointing to the "plenty of tutorials online," especially since those tutorials might use [x y z] instead of the vertical orientation, not to mention the fact that I just spent an hour and came up with no tutorials, and only a handful of pages, each covering different areas, many using completely different methods of going over it, most assuming variying degrees of knowledge...

So, here's a matrix that I've thrown together with very limited knowledge, which may or may not line up with the math presented here, in hopes of saving someone a homicidal rage. If I'm lucky, it'll work, then I can come back and fix the actual page to help people.

 -                                                  -
| cos(angle) scalex       -sin(angle)        transX  |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|    sin(angle)       -cos(angle) scaleY     transY  |
|                                                    |
|                                                    |
|       0                   0                  1     |
 -                                                  -

sorry if I sounded mean. I'll be far nicer once I'm all done with all this. --Tyroney 20:03, 7 April 2006 (EDT)

a link --Tyroney