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Sirence June 27, 2006

Did an extreme overhaul to the strategy and Abilites sections. This applies to the first iteration of 1.11 on the live servers.

Jano 02:43, 22 June 2006 (EDT) I found a repost of this info, author unknown to me...

Every 90 seconds Anub'Rekhan casts his Locust Swarm spell, so one of our raid members used a crude timer mod to give the raid a 10 second warning before Anub'Rekhan started his Locust Swarm cast. That warning gave the melee fighters plenty of time to back out and gave the ranged attackers and healers time to move back to maximum range. Then, when the main tank's Spell Alert showed Anub'Rekhan casting his Locust Swarm spell, the main tank called it out on teamspeak and began running along the easternmost edge of the room. The hunter in his group turned on Aspect of the Pack to give him a burst of speed and the main tank ran along the curved edge of the room to the doorway on the opposite side from the entrance doorway. In addition, the priest in the main tank group, who therefore also had Aspect of the Pack, ran ahead and cast shields and renews on the main tank during the run. The rest of the raid backed out of range the moment the call came that the cast had started and everyone moved to the west side of the central platform to avoid any chance of being hit by the Locust Swarm as Anub'Rekhan passed. If everything works perfectly, the main tank does not get hit by the Locust Swarm at all. If everything works out OK, then he or she will get hit by one or two applications of the stacking dot. If everything works badly, then the main tank will be hit by three or more applications and no amount of healing applied is going to save him or her.

Getting the timing down of these transitions is the biggest challenge of this encounter, and I suspect that the whole encounter will become much easier when timer and alert mods are developed specifically for it. We had several wipes due to main tanks leaving too late (the MT gets hit by too many applications of the Locust Swarm dot), main tanks leaving too early (Anub'Rekhan hits the main tank in the back and dazes him or her just as he is about to cast Locust Swarm), hunters turning on Aspect of the Pack too early (dazes the main tank), and hunters forgetting to turn on Aspect of the Pack at all. What's more, the timing on these transitions wasn't perfect, because sometimes the crude timer mod was just off. Despawning the guards at the beginning of the encounter may have caused some of the timings to be off, and also one time Anub'Rekhan evade bugged in a corner, which threw his timer completely off.

If a main tank gets hit by too many Locust Swarm dots, there's little you can do to save him or her (shield wall, maybe?). On one transition, I tried to run forward to throw some heals on the main tank on the theory that I could heal myself through a couple of dots and discovered to my demise that Locust Swarm also acts as a Silence effect.

There are a couple of things you can do to make the transitions across the room easier. First, we discovered that it was best to run along the outside edge of the room rather than along the edge of the platform. It's a longer path, which gives the tank a couple extra seconds to keep away from Anub'Rekhan during the Locust Swarm phase. Second, if a warlock casts Curse of Tongues on Anub'Rekhan, it takes Anub'Rekhan two extra seconds to cast Locust Swarm.

If the timing of the encounter is so touchy, why use a hunter instead of a swiftness potion? Swiftness potions are on a two minute cooldown, so they won't be available for the second transition. You could use a swiftness potion, then a nifty stopwatch, then another swiftness potion, but then you'd be stuck on the fourth transition. You might as well train a hunter how to time the encounter now and not worry about item cooldowns later in the fight.

A Crypt Guard spawns at the same time that Anub'Rekhan casts Locust Swarm, so while the main tank group drags Anub'Rekhan along the east wall, the rest of the raid needs to gather and pull the Crypt Guard to them on the west side of the room. The Crypt Guard has a webbing attack that's a lot like the web attack that the spider boss in Zul'Gurub uses. It roots, temporarily deaggros, and silences those who are affected by it. So, like in ZG, it helps to have a second tank,who stays a little back and will therefore be available to run in and taunt when the primary tank on the Crypt Guard getswebbed. The Crypt Guards also have a stacking poison dot that they cast on their immediate targets. Also, you want to pull the Crypt Guard back far enough so that those attacking it don't get hit by Impales.

About ten seconds after the Crypt Guard died, five Corpse Scarabs popped out of its body and were aoe'd down quickly. As mentioned earlier, if a player dies, Corpse Scarabs will pop out of his or her body, and if they are not dealt with quickly, more people will die, more Corpse Scarabs will spawn, and the fight will quickly spiral out of control. However, as long as you take care of the Corpse Scarabs quickly, you can recover from the deaths of one or two raid members

Some other things we learned about Corpse Scarabs: - Corpse Scarabs do not despawn when Anub'Rekhan resets, and they patrol out into the hallway, so be careful when you're running back after a wipe. Make sure to pull and clear all groups of Corpse Scarabs before starting your next attempt. - Pet deaths can cause Corpse Scarabs to spawn, so hunters tend to dismiss their pets and warlocks tend to use phase shifted imps set on passive. Some people are reporting on the test realm forum that warlock imps are running up and attacking Anub'Rekhan even though they are set on passive, but I don't fully believe the reports, since the imps seemed to be on good behavior in the two groups with which I have fought Anub'Rekhan. There was one incident of an overly aggressive imp in the pug group I was with, but he only attacked after Anub'Rekhan had already been pulled by the hunter, so I suspect that the imp wasn't really set on passive.

After taking down the Crypt Guard and the Corpse Scarabs, the raid started to dps Anub'Rekhan again. The faster the Crypt Guard is killed, the sooner the raid can get back to killing Anub'Rekhan.

Anub'Rekhan started casting Locust Swarm again and the main tank group moved Anub'Rekhan back to the other side of the room along the east wall, while the rest of the raid took care of the Crypt Guard add. The healers must move into position to heal the main tank at the end of his run.

That Big?

I dont recall crypt lords being that big, I thought they were smaller Tampler

According to Lands of Mystery, Spiderlords (Living versions of Crypt Lords) tend to be about 18 feet tall and 20 feet wide. I reckon its a fair size. --Mecheon 01:02, 5 July 2006 (EDT)

Class Requirements

I just edited the strategy to remove the parts about a warrior MT. It's really hot hard to do with any type of main tank. --Perl


Just about the lore on this guy. Im pretty sure that the commander from Azjol-Nerjub is infact an ally of the lich-king. If any of you have played Wc3 Frozen throne as many of you probably had, im pretty sure it's on the almost last mission through that maze in which it talks about the crypt lord. If im not mistaken that's the commander. I haven't played the mission lately but it's nagging at my memory —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bringiton00 (talk · contr).

You're thinking of Anub'Arak, who's the boss of Azjol-Nerub. Anub'Rekhan was merely one of the former's commanders. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 23:36, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Aspect of the pack goofiness.

Ok, I won't remove it again... but it's still a stupid idea. --Azaram (talk) 02:04, September 20, 2009 (UTC)