Talk:AddOn programming introduction

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Hi, let me know how I can improve this page, and my WowWiki writing in general.

Thanks, --Gregity (talk) 04:21, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

You should add that Windows Vista users should locate their add-ons in C:\users\public\games\World of Warcraft\Interface rather than the default path, due to Vista's administrator permissions. Other than that, a nice start! Devillocks (talk) 18:29, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

As someone new to all this I can't say for sure what the issue is but, this just does not work. I created each file as you stated by copying and pasting the code and when I load the game I check that HelloWorld is enabled as an addon and is NOT out of date. When I load a character, nothing. Not a thing happens related to the addon.

I find this page to be written for the incorrect audience. The voice of the writting is distracting from the technical information it attempts to deliver. As an addition to the raw information provided on the TOC format page I believe it a necessary and useful page. It should, however, be far more concise and would benefit from improved formating. I write this as someone who came to this page looking to learn the material and bemoaned sifting through the prose. Since the edit history is minimal I decided to attempt to bring this up for discussion. If no discussion occurs and the mood strikes me, I will eventually /cast eviserate and produce a new revision of the full document.

previous comment about production of new revision belongs to me: Reshinji (talk) 09:45, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

doesn't work


I think this needs an update because it doesn't work Ikt (talk) 05:29, October 17, 2010 (UTC)

Interface AddOn Kit

All references to the outdated Interface AddOn Kit have been removed. This program has been dropped ever since WoW version 4.0.1. SDPhantom (talk) 17:26, 23 August 2014 (UTC)

External Link

I added an external link in this section, but instructions prompted me to mess it up and ask someone with more privileges to fix it in the name of spam protection. Max S (talk) 04:45, 6 June 2015 (UTC)

Fixed. Thanks for the update! --k_d3 04:58, 6 June 2015 (UTC)