Talk:API UnitHealth

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Always returns 100 on "target" for me => percentage

Returns actual absolute value when targeting myself. Maybe a protection for viewing other peoples stats

In group?

I've seen code, for example in CastParty, that uses interpolation when a target is not in your group. So, I think this means you get (1) absolute health values for either yourself, or for party members, and (2) percentage values for everyone else. If true, the documentation should be updated to explain this behaviour.

Absolute values if unit is in the party

No matter what unitId is given, it will return the absolute value if that unit is in the party. I have updated the documentation to clarify this.


UnitHealth("target") returns an absolute health value rather than a percentage. Posted by: EGingell (T|C|F) on 11:14, 10 October 2008 (UTC)