Talk:API GetNumGuildMembers

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This function is returning 0 for me until some arbitrary amount of time has passed after I log in. Sometimes I get a real result immediately. Sometimes I have to wait 15 minutes until I get anything other than 0. I confirm that there are other guild members online when I call this function.


Had you called the GuildRoster() function (or openened the guild window, which in turn does that)? You're not sent guild information until you ask for it. Also, bear in mind that the latest patch changed the initial state behaviour of the online/offline toggle. -- Flickering 21:29, 30 Mar 2005 (EST)

Had you called the GuildRoster() function (or openened the guild window, which in turn does that)? You're not sent guild information until you ask for it. -- Flickering 21:29, 30 Mar 2005 (EST)

How can I open the Guild Roster as hidden? Also, how do I specify to show offline members or not? Thanks for the help.