Talk:1.11.0 API changes (Iriel)

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GetNumPartyMembers() and GetNumRaidMembers() seemed to have changed. Previously if you were not in a party or a raid it would return 0. I'm not sure what it returns now.

My previous "assist" script was (in pseudocode)

/script if(IsControlKeyDown())then MA=UnitName("target");if GetNumRaidMembers() then SendChatMessage(smsg,"RAID");elseif GetNumPartyMembers() then SendChatMessage(smsg,"PARTY");end elseif (MA~=nil)then AssistByName(MA);end

This now returns "You're not in a RAID" when I'm in a party, indicating that GetNumRaidMemebers is returning a TRUE value.

Modifying the script to

/script if(IsControlKeyDown())then MA=UnitName("target");if GetNumRaidMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(m,"RAID");elseif GetNumPartyMembers()>0 then SendChatMessage(m,"PARTY");end elseif (MA~=nil)then AssistByName(MA);end

made it work.

-- Caeryn

Weird. 0 has always been "true" in Lua. Only nil and false are "false". --Mikk 20:24, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
I guess I should clarify. I am not sure that it returned 0, only that it returned a 'false' value that allowed the macro to work. I suppose it could have returned nil if I'm not in a raid/party and it could return 0 now, which evaluates to 'true'

-- Caeryn