Tales of the Past/Monóri

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Image of Monóri
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Level (Undead){night elf}
Class Death Knight, Hunter
Affiliation(s) The Alliance, Darnassus
Occupation Leader of the Night Elven Archers
Status Deceased
Monóri in Tales of the Past II
Monóri in tales of the past III

Monóri is the Night Elven leader of the archers in the Battle of Khaz Modan in Tales of the Past II. She pleads with Serphentos to stop his reckless hatred of the orcs and call off the battle, but he refuses, so she has no choice but to fight.

In Tales of the Past III, Monóri leads a decoy group to Darnassus in an attempt to draw away the Undead scourge from Jaina who was taking the book to Orgrimmar. On their way, Arthas attacks them and kills Monóri. Before dying she tells Arthas that he's a fool and that none of them carried the book, to which he reveals to her, he wasn't after the book, he was after her. Towards the end of the movie Monóri comes out as a Death Knight leading the Undead scourge against the alliance in Blasted Lands.

The actor and owner of Monóri Silverleaf is PF from Denmark. The character is located on the European realm: Dunemaul.