Talbuk Training: Bulbapore (Horde)

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HordeTalbuk Training: Bulbapore
Start Sage Paluna
End Sage Paluna
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (20)
30g 80s
Previous H [20-40] Talbuk Training: Gezz'ran
Next H [35-40] Talbuk Training: Cruel Ogres
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-40] Talbuk Training: Bulbapore.


Defeat Bulbapore while riding your Talbuk-In-Training.


In the far south, in the Spires of Arak, the land is being swallowed by the mushrooms that grow underwater, and strange fungal creatures grow uninhibited.

Taking on a strange creature, like the fungal giant Bulbapore, will grant you a chance to expose your mount to unfamiliar predators.


You will receive: 30g 80s


You have returned victorious. I will bed your mount down for the night.

Patch changes

External links