Take the Bite Out of 'Em

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VenthyrTake the Bite Out of 'Em
Start Partially-eaten Iger
End Partially-eaten Iger
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Covenant Sanctum
Rewards 2x [Grateful Offering], Anima item

Take the Bite Out of 'Em is a potential Venthyr Covenant-daily quest accessible once Sinfall's Anima Conductor with Tier 2 is channeled into Pridefall Hamlet.


Collect 40 Venthyr Fangs.


Right. So you got a quota of venthyr you need offed and I got a mean need for some payback.

See, you may not think it to look at me but 'em venthyr loooove to chew on me specifically. Not sure what dark habit followed them across the veil but I just was a squishy bag of indulgence for far too long.

As you go about offin' 'em venthyr for your normal... motivations... I'd ask you to bring me a bunch of fangs off 'em you off, as it were.

I'll pay for payback!


You will receive:

And one from:


I'm gettin' quite a collection goin'.


Much obliged. This will go a long way to servin' "restitutions" as 'em fang heads would say.

Patch changes

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