T'paartos the Fallen

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MobT'paartos the Fallen
Image of T'paartos the Fallen
Gender Male
Race Man'ari eredar (Demon)
Level 45 - 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Forge of Aeons
Status Killable

T'paartos the Fallen is a corrupted vision of T'paartos who was swayed by the Burning Legion. He represents T'paartos's final challenge to overcome in his trial to become Lightforged.


  • Inv axe 2h felfireraid d 01.png Doom Blade — Creates a fel explosion in front of the caster, inflicting Fire damage to enemies caught in the effect.
  • Ability demonhunter felblade.png Fel Edge — The caster summons a series of Fel Edges around their enemies that travel along the ground. Victims caught in the path of these edges suffer Fire damage.
  • Ability felarakkoa feldetonation green.png Inevitable Fate — The caster summons a burst of Fel energies, inflicting Fire damage to all enemies within 60 yards.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Unholy Frenzy — Grant an ally unholy frenzy, increasing Haste by 40% while inflicting Shadow damage taken by 100%.


Main article: Forge of Aeons (quest)#Stage 17: Demise


Patch changes

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