Sylvan Owl

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MobSylvan Owl
Image of Sylvan Owl
Race Owl (Beast)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Val'sharah

Sylvan Owls are owls located in Mistvale and Sylvan Vale in Val'sharah. They are terrorized by Cragtalon harpies. Some were killed by Felflame Minions.


  • Spell nature nullifypoison.png Infected Talons — Coats talons with diseased flesh that can infect the target on melee hit.
  • Spell nature nullifypoison.png Infected Talons — Rake the target with diseased claws, infecting them for 10 sec.
  • Ability creature cursed 04.png Hex — Being cursed.

Objective of

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