Supplies from the Rustbolt Resistance

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NeutralSupplies from the Rustbolt Resistance
Start Prince Erazmin
End Prince Erazmin
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Emissary Quest
Category Mechagon Island
Rewards  [Rustbolt Supplies]
 [Humming Azerite Heart] (2,500x [Azerite])


Speak with Prince Erazim[sic] in Rustbolt for your reward.


The Resistance appreciates all the help you've given us.

Please take these supplies as a token of our gratitude, and a promise of more to come, should you continue to help us.


You will receive
Inv faction rustbolt.png [Rustbolt Supplies] Inv radientazeriteheart.png [Humming Azerite Heart]


The Resistance stands strong, thanks in part to your prevailing efforts.

Your efficiency has earned you additional resources.

Please expend them in endeavors optimized to ensure the continued success of the resistance.

Patch changes

External links