Sunseeker Engineer

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MobSunseeker Engineer
Image of Sunseeker Engineer
Gender Both
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 69 - 70 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunseekers
Occupation Engineer
Location Mechanar
Status Killable

Sunseeker Engineers are blood elves found in the Mechanar.


  • Death Ray-Fires a blast of death at the target, dealing 1527 to 1773 (3053 to 3547 on Heroic) damage.
  • Growth Ray-Fires a ray of energy at a nearby friend, increasing their attack power by 450 for 15 sec.
  • Super Shrink Ray-Fires a powerful ray of energy at the target, reducing the targets attack power by 450 for 10 sec.

Patch changes

External links