And Then There Were None

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NeutralAnd Then There Were None
Start Lajos
End Rahel
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 4,450
Reputation +100 Court of Harvesters
Rewards  [Ilka's Hunting Cloak]
or  [Samu's Inkwell Pendant]
12g 63s 60c
Previous N [58-60] Reason for the Treason


Gather the suspects and meet Lajos in the large crypt.

  • Samu invited
  • Ilka invited
  • Traitor confronted


Ilka and Samu argued, you say? And you found a coded message indicating that the tithe was going to be sent out soon. Those are helpful clues that will allow me to put the puzzle together.

It's clear to me now who betrayed the village and what we need to do about it! You deliver invitations to a meeting to our suspects and I'll prepare to reveal the traitor.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 cape.png [Ilka's Hunting Cloak] Inv 7 0raid necklace 03a.png [Samu's Inkwell Pendant]

You will also receive:


The Master knows what's best for us. We must do our part.


Nice that it all worked out in the end. Thanks for the unintentional help.

Notes and trivia

On accept
Lajos says: Please, don't delay. We don't want the traitor to know that we know ... what we know.

Gossip Present Lajos's invitation>

Samu says: Argh! Can't you see that I'm busy? What does Lajos want now? Couldn't this be covered in a note instead?

Gossip Present Lajos's invitation>

Ilka says: You're new! Oh, what's this? Lajos is having a meeting? Splendid. I do so love the chaos he incites.
In the crypt
Samu says: What now, Lajos? Unlike you, I'm busy.
Ilka says: Now, now Samu. Tell us all about it Lajos! Who did what to whom? Simply delightful.
Lajos says: Make light of this if you must, but I know you betrayed the village Ilka.
Ilka says: Hahaha. I have no idea what you're talking about, Lajos. You've made a mistake.
Samu says: Easy there, Lajos. Stop pointing that crossbow at Ilka. What proof do you have?
Lajos says: Her coded note about the tithe, for one. But it doesn't matter. You don't need proof when you have instinct.
Ilka says: Instinct? You? That's rich. Besides, a little bat told me that Samu has been skimming anima off the top of the tithe. It's he that has betrayed us.
Samu says: What? Trust me on this, you've made a mistake. Everyone calm down and lower those crossbows or I'll shoot.
They all shoot at each other, killing themselves.
Rahel says: Oh! What a mess!
Rahel says: Inconvenient that my note about the tithe was found but a little whisper here and there and they were willing to blame each other.
On completion
Rahel says: I didn't realize they'd murder each other but, we do what we must for the greater good. Denathrius must go. Farewell.
Rahel casts Door of Shadows.

During the alpha, this quest was renamed from Summary Judgement.


  1. N [58-60] The Stoneborn
  2. N [58-60] A Plea to the Harvesters
  3. N [58-60] The Master Awaits
  4. N [58-60] The Authority of Revendreth

Patch changes

External links