Reason for the Treason

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NeutralReason for the Treason
Start Lajos
End Lajos
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Reputation +50 Court of Harvesters
Rewards 25g 27s 20c
Previous N [58-60] The Stoneborn
Next N [58-60] And Then There Were None


Speak with the "help" in the village to find clues to the identity of the traitor.


If you ask me, the attack on our convoy is suspicious. I told Mistress Mihaela that there must be a traitor in the village, but she isn't concerned. It's understandable, she's got to worry about gathering a new tithe.

I've taken it upon myself to figure this out and I could use your help. I'm making discreet inquiries but I can't be seen speaking with the help. That's where you come in. You can be my assistant sleuth.


You will receive:


Have you identified the traitor yet?


Well, isn't that interesting information you've dug up.


On accept
Lajos says: You see, there has to be a traitor in our midst. Someone had to know the right time to attack the convoy.
Gossip (Quest) <Ask about suspicious activity>
Courier Rokalai says: Hah! Suspicious? Our glorious masters only send messages that reek of intrigue and scheming. Can't help you Maw Walker.
Gossip (Quest) <Ask about suspicious activity>
Globknob says: Don't know nothin' about no sneaky business. All them things I clean up goes into the pile. Over 'ere.
Globknob says: Them fangs is messy tossing the rubbish about 'ere and there. I put it ere till I chuck it over the edge to the Mire. Have a rummage, then.

Rubbish Pile appears. Loot it for  [Suspicious Message].

Gossip (Quest) <Ask about suspicious activity>
Bela says: Please help us complete the ritual of atonement and then we can speak with you.
Soul of Keltesh
My sins in life were terrible. I see that so clearly now.
Gossip (Quest) <Ask about suspicious activity>
Soul of Keltesh says: I am afraid, Bela.
Bela says: Of course you are, Keltesh. Your judgement day approaches and we must rid you of your sins.

Manifestations of Fear appear.

Soul of Keltesh says: Aghhhhh! I ... I am somehow ... lighter? I do not fear.
Bela says: Yes, your sins exert a terrible weight upon you. I will petition the Accuser for your judgement.
Bela says: And now, Keltesh, have you noticed anything suspicious?
Soul of Keltesh says: I hesitate, how would I know what is suspicious? Samu and Ilka quarreled here over the tithe and drought. Is that suspicious?
Bela says: Perhaps it is, Keltesh. Most forget that souls observe all around them even though they are caged.


  1. N [58-60] The Stoneborn
  2. N [58-60] A Plea to the Harvesters
  3. N [58-60] The Master Awaits
  4. N [58-60] The Authority of Revendreth

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

  • Gotten close to ritual
  • Atonement ritual completed

Patch changes

External links