Bring Out Your Tithe

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NeutralBring Out Your Tithe
Start Mistress Mihaela [61.3, 63.8]
End Mistress Mihaela [61.3, 63.8]
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Reputation +50 Court of Harvesters
Rewards 25g 27s 20c
Previous N [58-60] The Stoneborn


Collect anima from the village for the tithe.

  • Tithe anima collected (0/100%)


Unfortunately the Lord Chamberlain's gift isn't sufficient to cover the entire tithe we're expected to provide the Tithelord, but it will make a good start.

The loss of the tithe convoy is a terrible blow to our village. Our little community is already suffering greatly from the drought and the need to meet the Tithelord's demands. Still we must all do our part.

We have little time to accomplish this task. Can you help? Get the tithe from villagers and scour the area for every forgotten drop.


You will receive:


Have you gathered the anima yet?


I was not sure this task was possible. Very impressive work.


On accept:

Mistress Mihaela says: Get the tithe from villagers where you can and scour the area for every forgotten drop.

Click on Droplets of Anima and speak with Darkhaven Villagers to fill up the bar.

In the center
The master has said sacrifices are required.
Gossip <Request tithe>
Darkhaven Villager says: I suppose it doesn't matter that I gave extra last time?
Darkhaven Villager says: The souls in my charge simply can't give more. I will have to give of myself rather than risk them.
Darkhaven Villager says: Uhhh. Too much ...
The villager casts Tithe Anima, and then they get the Tithed Too much debuff.
Near the cages
We are nothing if not expert at suffering. We will get through this.
Gossip <Request tithe>
Darkhaven Villager says: Is this really necessary? We already gathered the tithe at great cost to the village.
Darkhaven Villager says: Maybe I can get a bit more. Let's see.
Drained Soul says: Nooooo. Not again. I can't ...
Darkhaven Villager says: We must all make sacrifices. The Master demands it.
Drained Soul says: Aahhhh! Nooooo. No more ... Arggghhhh!
Darkhaven Villager says: The soul is devoid of anima now, fully drained. There will be no redemption after countless eons of suffering. A pity.
The villager casts Harvest Anima on a nearby ghost. It becomes a Drained Soul.
With Veronika
When will the drought end?
Gossip <Request tithe>
Darkhaven Villager says: Another tithe? But, I have no souls left and no surplus of anima. Did Mistress Mihaela not tell you to exempt me ...
Veronika says: Easy, dear. I can tithe for us both.
Darkhaven Villager says: Oh, no Veronika! You cannot spare the anima either. We must tell Mistress Mihaela that this is impossible.
Veronika says: No, no. We must all do our part. I know you'd do the same for me.
Veronika says: Uhhh. Too much ...
Veronika casts Tithe Anima and then gets the Tithed Too Much buff.


  1. N [58-60] The Stoneborn
  2. N [58-60] A Plea to the Harvesters
  3. N [58-60] The Master Awaits
  4. N [58-60] The Authority of Revendreth

Patch changes

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