Struct WorldLootObjectInfo

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Field Type Description
inventoryType Enum.InventoryType🔗
atMaxQuality boolean
isUpgrade boolean
Value Field ItemEquipLoc
GlobalString (enUS)
1 IndexHeadType INVTYPE_HEAD Head 1
2 IndexNeckType INVTYPE_NECK Neck 2
3 IndexShoulderType INVTYPE_SHOULDER Shoulder 3
4 IndexBodyType INVTYPE_BODY Shirt 4
5 IndexChestType INVTYPE_CHEST Chest 5
6 IndexWaistType INVTYPE_WAIST Waist 6
7 IndexLegsType INVTYPE_LEGS Legs 7
8 IndexFeetType INVTYPE_FEET Feet 8
9 IndexWristType INVTYPE_WRIST Wrist 9
10 IndexHandType INVTYPE_HAND Hands 10
11 IndexFingerType INVTYPE_FINGER Finger 11, 12
12 IndexTrinketType INVTYPE_TRINKET Trinket 13, 14
13 IndexWeaponType INVTYPE_WEAPON One-Hand 16, 17: [Dual Wield]
14 IndexShieldType INVTYPE_SHIELD Off Hand 17
15 IndexRangedType INVTYPE_RANGED Ranged 16
16 IndexCloakType INVTYPE_CLOAK Back 15
17 Index2HweaponType INVTYPE_2HWEAPON Two-Hand 16
18 IndexBagType INVTYPE_BAG Bag
19 IndexTabardType INVTYPE_TABARD Tabard 19
20 IndexRobeType INVTYPE_ROBE Chest 5
21 IndexWeaponmainhandType INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND Main Hand 16
22 IndexWeaponoffhandType INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND Off Hand 16
23 IndexHoldableType INVTYPE_HOLDABLE Held In Off-hand 17
24 IndexAmmoType INVTYPE_AMMO Ammo
25 IndexThrownType INVTYPE_THROWN Thrown 16
26 IndexRangedrightType INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT Ranged 16
27 IndexQuiverType INVTYPE_QUIVER Quiver
28 IndexRelicType INVTYPE_RELIC Relic
29 IndexProfessionToolType INVTYPE_PROFESSION_TOOL Profession Tool 20, 23
30 IndexProfessionGearType INVTYPE_PROFESSION_GEAR Profession Equipment 21, 22, 24, 25
31 IndexEquipablespellOffensiveType INVTYPE_EQUIPABLESPELL_OFFENSIVE Equipable Spell - Offensive
32 IndexEquipablespellUtilityType INVTYPE_EQUIPABLESPELL_UTILITY Equipable Spell - Utility
33 IndexEquipablespellDefensiveType INVTYPE_EQUIPABLESPELL_DEFENSIVE Equipable Spell - Defensive
34 IndexEquipablespellWeaponType INVTYPE_EQUIPABLESPELL_WEAPON Equipable Spell - Weapon