Struct SpellPowerCostInfo

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Field Type Description
type Enum.PowerType🔗
name string The name or 'power token' for this power type (ex: MANA, FOCUS, etc)
cost number Full cost including optional cost; Optional cost is cost the spell will use but isn't required (ex: Rogue spell might cost 1CP but have optional cost of up to 5 more)
minCost number Cost excluding optional cost; This is min required to cast the spell
costPercent number Cost as a percentage of base maximum resource; May be 0 if the cost is simply a flat cost
costPerSec number Cost as a percentage of base maximum resource consumed per second, used by channel spells; May be 0 if cost is simply a flat cost
requiredAuraID number An aura the caster must have for the cost to apply; Usually based on things like active spec or shapeshift form
hasRequiredAura boolean True if there is a requiredAuraID and the caster currently has that aura; Caster is either the current player or their pet, depending on spell type