Struct ProfessionInfo

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Field Type Description
profession Enum.Profession?
professionID number TradeSkillLineID of the parent tradeskill (i.e. Alchemy if this skill is Legion Alchemy)
sourceCounter number Added in 10.1.0
professionName string Localized name of the parent tradeskill.
expansionName string Bugged, always appears "Unknown".
skillLevel number Current skill level.
maxSkillLevel number Maximum attainable skill level.
skillModifier number Modifiers to the skill level (such as +mining, +cooking, etc).
isPrimaryProfession boolean
parentProfessionID number?
parentProfessionName string?
Value Field Description
0 FirstAid
1 Blacksmithing
2 Leatherworking
3 Alchemy
4 Herbalism
5 Cooking
6 Mining
7 Tailoring
8 Engineering
9 Enchanting
10 Fishing
11 Skinning
12 Jewelcrafting
13 Inscription
14 Archaeology