Struct MissionInfo

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Field Type Description
This structure is manually documented
areaID number
basecost number
canStart boolean
completed boolean
cost number
costCurrencyTypesID number
description string
duration string
durationSeconds number
followers string[] : WOWGUID An array of FollowerGUIDs
followerTypeID Enum.GarrisonFollowerType
hasBonusEffect boolean
iLevel number
inProgress boolean
isMaxLevel boolean
isRare boolean
isTutorialMission boolean
isZoneSupport boolean
level number
location string
locTextureKit string
mapPosX number
mapPosY number
missionEndTime number?
missionID number
missionScalar number
name string
numFollowers number
offeredGarrMissionTextureID number
offerEndTime number?
offerTimeRemaining string?
overmaxRewards MissionOvermaxRewards
overmaxSucceeded boolean
requiredChampionCount number
requiredSuccessChance number
rewards MissionReward
timeLeft string?
timeLeftSeconds number?
type string
typeAtlas string
xp number
Field Type Description
currencyID number
icon number : fileID
quantity number
title string
Field Type Description
followerXP number
icon number : fileID
name string
title string
tooltip string