Struct EncounterJournalItemInfo

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Field Type Description
itemID number
encounterID number? JournalEncounterID
name string? item name, including color sequence
itemQuality string?
filterType Enum.ItemSlotFilterType?
icon number? FileID
slot string? ItemEquipLoc e.g. "Two-Hand" or "Shoulder".
armorType string? e.g. "Cloth" or "Mail". The string will be colored red if the item cannot be equipped.
link string? ItemLink
handError boolean?
weaponTypeError boolean?
displayAsPerPlayerLoot boolean? Added in 9.1.5
displayAsVeryRare boolean? Added in 10.0.2
displayAsExtremelyRare boolean? Added in 10.0.2
Value Field Description
0 Head
1 Neck
2 Shoulder
3 Cloak
4 Chest
5 Wrist
6 Hand
7 Waist
8 Legs
9 Feet
10 MainHand
11 OffHand
12 Finger
13 Trinket
14 Other
15 NoFilter