Struct CalendarDayEvent

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Field Type Description
eventID string Added in 8.1.0
title string
isCustomTitle boolean Added in 8.0.1
startTime CalendarTime
endTime CalendarTime
calendarType string const CALENDARTYPE
sequenceType string "START", "END", "", "ONGOING"[1]
eventType Enum.CalendarEventType
iconTexture number? Added in 7.2.5
modStatus string "MODERATOR", "CREATOR"[2]
inviteStatus Enum.CalendarStatus
invitedBy string
difficulty number
inviteType Enum.CalendarInviteType
sequenceIndex number
numSequenceDays number
difficultyName string
dontDisplayBanner boolean
dontDisplayEnd boolean
clubID string Added in 8.1.5
isLocked boolean Added in 8.2.0
Field Type Description
year number The current year (e.g. 2019)
month number The current month [1-12]
monthDay number The current day of the month [1-31]
weekday number The current day of the week (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ..., 7=Saturday)
hour number The current time in hours [0-23]
minute number The current time in minutes [0-59]
Value Description
"PLAYER" Player-created event or invitation
"GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT" Guild announcement
"GUILD_EVENT" Guild event
"SYSTEM" Other server-provided event
"HOLIDAY" Seasonal/holiday events
"RAID_LOCKOUT" Instance lockouts
Value Field Description
0 Raid
1 Dungeon
2 PvP
3 Meeting
4 Other
5 HeroicDeprecated
Value Field Description
0 Invited
1 Available
2 Declined
3 Confirmed
4 Out
5 Standby
6 Signedup
7 NotSignedup
8 Tentative
Value Field Description
0 Normal
1 Signup