Struct BNetGameAccountInfo

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Field Type Description
gameAccountID number? A temporary ID for the friend's game account during this session.
clientProgram string BNET_CLIENT
isOnline boolean
isGameBusy boolean
isGameAFK boolean
wowProjectID number?
characterName string? The name of the logged in toon/character
realmName string? The name of the logged in realm
realmDisplayName string?
realmID number? The ID for the logged in realm
factionName string? The englishFaction name (i.e., "Alliance" or "Horde")
raceName string? The localized race name (e.g., "Blood Elf")
className string? The localized class name (e.g., "Death Knight")
areaName string? The localized zone name (e.g., "The Undercity")
characterLevel number? The current level (e.g., "90")
richPresence string? For WoW, returns "zoneName - realmName". For StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3, returns the location or activity the player is currently engaged in.
playerGuid string? A unique numeric identifier for the friend's character during this session.
isWowMobile boolean
canSummon boolean
hasFocus boolean Whether or not this toon is the one currently being displayed in Blizzard's FriendFrame
regionID number Added in 9.1.0
isInCurrentRegion boolean Added in 9.1.0
Global Value Description
BNET_CLIENT_WOW WoW World of Warcraft
BNET_CLIENT_APP App desktop app
BNET_CLIENT_HEROES Hero Heroes of the Storm