Struct AuraData

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Field Type Description
applications number
auraInstanceID number
canApplyAura boolean Whether or not the player can apply this aura.
charges number
dispelName string?
duration number
expirationTime number
icon number
isBossAura boolean Whether or not this aura was applied by a boss.
isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet boolean Whether or not this aura was applied by a player or their pet.
isHarmful boolean Whether or not this aura is a debuff.
isHelpful boolean Whether or not this aura is a buff.
isNameplateOnly boolean Whether or not this aura should appear on nameplates.
isRaid boolean Whether or not this aura meets the conditions of the RAID aura filter.
isStealable boolean
maxCharges number
name string The name of the aura.
nameplateShowAll boolean Whether or not this aura should always be shown irrespective of any usual filtering logic.
nameplateShowPersonal boolean True if this aura should only be shown on nameplates if it was applied by you, i.e. the caster unit id is player, pet or vehicle.
points array Variable returns - Some auras return additional values that typically correspond to something shown in the tooltip, such as the remaining strength of an absorption effect.
sourceUnit string? Token of the unit that applied the aura.
spellId number The spell ID of the aura.
timeMod number