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Stormcaster Throm

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MobStormcaster Throm
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Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hrydshal, Stormheim
Status Killable

Stormcaster Throm is a vrykul located in Hrydshal in Stormheim.


  • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Lodestone — Summons a Lodestone at the feet of the caster that will redirect one harmful spell, destroying the totem.
  • Spell shaman thunderstorm.png Thorim's Bolt — The caster directs a bolt of lightning at the target, inflicting Nature damage.


  • The kings will spit on you, worm!
  • The runes will break you!
  • You could never be worthy!

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