Stampeding Felsteed

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NeutralStampeding Felsteed

Stampeding Felsteed.jpg

Stampeding Felsteed with imp.jpg

Race Felsteed (Beast)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Infernal Causeway, Broken Shore

Stampeding Felsteeds are felsteeds that run up the Infernal Causeway on the Broken Shore while the world quest N [45WQ] Rolling Thunder is available. They continuously spawn at Impsorrow Approach and run up the length of the causeway before despawning just north of Deliverance Point, knocking down anyone that gets in their way. During the world quest, players must navigate a Barrel of Storm Brew through the stampede and dodge the felsteeds in order to avoid taking damage.

Some of the felsteeds have riders in the form of imps hanging on to their manes.


  • Ability warstomp.png Unstoppable Force — Not stopping for you or anything else. Watch out for those hooves!

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