Stalriss Dawnrunner

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NeutralStalriss Dawnrunner
Image of Stalriss Dawnrunner
Title <Leatherworking Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Nightfallen (Humanoid)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Independent
Former affiliation(s) Suramar
Occupation Leatherworker
Location Den of the Demented, Suramar
Status Alive

Stalriss Dawnrunner is a nightfallen leatherworker located in a cave named Den of the Demented in Felsoul Hold in Suramar. He was exiled from Suramar City by his colleagues, including Feorias.

It is clear that he is in the process of withering, and it's affecting his concentration.


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  1. N Leatherworking [45] Demon Flesh Activequest
  2. Do these in any order:
  3. N Leatherworking [45] Fel Tanning AvailablequestActivequest


  • <Stalriss incomprehensibly mumbles.>
  • This lodging is deplorable. I really must have a word with the innkeeper when he returns...
  • So he says to me, he goes, "Demons are coming up number one on the agenda for hot pants! They're smoking!"

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