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Stablehanded Dredger

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NeutralStablehanded Dredger
Image of Stablehanded Dredger
Title <Need a Nag?>
Gender Male
Race Dredger (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Court of Harvesters
Location Revendreth

Stablehanded Dredgers are dredgers located in Revendreth.



A handful of infused rubies and this 'er Sinrunner will take you all the way to Old Gate. Just don't let go unless you lookin' to get dropped off along the way.

Gossip at Wanecrypt Hill

If you're willin' to spend a handful of infused rubies then this 'er Sinrunner will take you all the way to Hole in the Wall and up in the western Castle.

Just don't let go unless you lookin' to get dropped off along the way.

At the Hole in the Wall

Handful of infused rubies an' this Sinrunner will give you a good run across the northern battlements.

It's a great view but full of untoward nasties and brutes. Just don't let go unless you're sure 'ats where you want to be.

Patch changes

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