Squire Walter

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AllianceSquire Walter
Image of Squire Walter
Title <Gryan's Squire>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 9
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Westfall Brigade Encampment, Grizzly Hills
Status Alive
Relative(s) Emily (sister)
Mentor(s) Gryan Stoutmantle

Squire Walter is Gryan Stoutmantle's squire located in the Westfall Brigade Encampment in Grizzly Hills. He is tending to the horse Old Blanchy and occasionally goes looking for oats around the camp. He is the brother of Emily.



What's that, girl? You're hungry already? Don't worry, I'll get the oats.
Walter walks around the nearby area looking through the crates and supplies, eventually returning to his old position next to Blanchy.
Now, where do they keep those oats?
Hmm... maybe over there.
No... no oats here, either.

Patch changes

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