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Squire Cuthbert

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AllianceSquire Cuthbert
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 52
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Squire
Location Dalson's Tears, Eastern Plaguelands[47.8, 50.4]
Status Alive

Squire Cuthbert is a human found in the barn at Dalson's Tears in the Western Plaguelands.

After completing A Paladin [55] Dalton's Quest, Squire Cuthbert can be summoned using  [Dalton's Horn], allowing him to fight alongside the player and level up.


  • Ability thunderbolt.png Holy Strike — Consecrates the caster's weapon, inflicting 110 additional damage on its next attack. All damage inflicted is based on Holy magic.




<The young human before you has clearly been in a nasty fight. He his[sic] battered, bruised, and seems to be barely conscious.>

A Paladin [55] Dalton's Quest

Gossip Can you tell me more about this quest you and Sir Dalton set out upon?

Certainly. I owe you that much, at least. Where to begin...

My lord and I set out from Southshore some weeks ago, chasing the scent of a particularly evil Necromancer called Arkonos. This vile creature is one of the Lich King's chief agents in this part of Azeroth, and has been responsible for a countless number of atrocities. Sir Dalton swore an oath to see Arkonos dead... or to die trying.

It seems he did fulfill his oath in the end...

Gossip What happened here? You mentioned an ambush?

Yes. We had been tracking the fiend for months and thought we had him. It seems that our pursuit was detected however, as we found ourselves in an ambush. One moment we were in an empty field, the next moment we were surrounded by dozens of the dead.

In the fighting my blade was ripped from my grasp and I took a nasty wound to the head. I was surrounded. Thought I was finished... but from nowhere my lord appeared an felled my attackers in seconds. He bade me to flee to that barn and seek shelter while he fought the rest of them off.

I never even considered he wouldn't survive. He was so strong... so very strong.

Gossip I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure he fought valiantly till the end.

I know he did. Now, it falls to me to finish what he started. If only Sir Dalton was here to complete my training... I have so much yet to learn.

No matter. I will finish this fight, one way or another. I swear it upon the stolen throne of Lordaeron, the light, and any gods who may care to hear my oath:

I will find Arkonos, and end him!

Gossip You said yourself that you have much to learn, and these are deadly adversaries. Travel with me, hone your skills, and we will face this monster together when you are ready. What say you?

I... don't know what to say other than: "It would be an honor."

I am at your service.

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