Spirits Are With Us (Horde)

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HordeSpirits Are With Us
Start Bwemba
End Bwemba
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Category Rise of the Zandalari
Previous H [35] Serpents and Poison
Next H [35] Nesingwary Will Know
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35] Spirits Are With Us.


Prepare the bonfire in front of the serpent shrine near Bambala for Bwemba's ritual.

  • Use the bonfire near Bambala


Dere was something about the way da serpents attacked, <name>. Something unnatural... Even da poison had a hint of some bad mojo.

Dere be a shrine near here wit' a bonfire. We can use dat to perform a ritual.

Whatever be makin' dese serpents attack, dey probably still watchin' over dem.

Da only problem, <name>, is dat I only be here in spirit form. I need you to be my hands. I need you to go to da fire an' prepare it for me. Den I'll handle da rest.


Venoxis... Dis can't be good, <name>.


Bwemba says: Now let's see what Bwemba's conjured up.
High Priest Venoxis says: You disssssturb the plans of Gurubashi, little one. It'sss too late for you. Too late for all of you!
High Priest Venoxis says: My ssssserpents, dey already sssslither beneath every rock an' shrub of Ssssstranglethorn.
High Priest Venoxis says: We will reclaim thisss land. Gurubashi land. An' we kill anyone dat getssss in our way!
Bwemba says: Dis is serious business. Venoxis ain't one to trifle wit'.
Bwemba says: Da other emissary, he always be tryin' to save da world!


Optional breadcrumb: A [35] The Troll Incursion / H [35] The Zandalari Menace

  1. B [35] Bwemba's Spirit
  2. A [35] To Fort Livingston / H [35] To Bambala
  3. B [35] Serpents and Poison
  4. B [35] Spirits Are With Us
  5. B [35] Nesingwary Will Know
  6. B [35] Track the Tracker
  7. B [35] The Hunter's Revenge
  8. B [35] Follow that Cat
  9. B [35] Mauti
  10. B [35] How's the Hunter Holding Up?
  11. B [35] Bury Me With Me Boots...
  12. A [35] Warn the Rebel Camp / H [35] Warn Grom'gol
  13. A [35] Defend the Rebel Camp / H [35] Defend Grom'gol
  14. A [35] To the Digsite / H [35] To Hardwrench Hideaway
  15. B [35] Voodoo Zombies
  16. B [35] Bad Supplies
  17. B [35] Making Contact
  18. N [35H] Booty Bay's Interests
  19. N [35H] A Shiny Reward

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