Spectral Windshaper

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MobSpectral Windshaper
Image of Spectral Windshaper
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Tomb of the Old Kings, Stormheim
Status Killable

Spectral Windshapers are ghostly vrykul casters found in the Tomb of the Old Kings in Stormheim during N Warrior [10-45] Legacy of the Icebreaker. One group of them are found near the entrance, channeling Spirit Winds that push enemies back towards the direction of the tomb's entrance. Another pair are found in the Tomb of the Icebreaker, where they come to life to channel a similar wind spell to prevent enemies from ascending the stairs to Magnar Icebreaker's platform.


  • Spell nature cyclone.png Coldwind Blast — Strikes an enemy with a fierce gust of wind, inflicting Frost damage.
  • Ability skyreach wind wall.png Spirit Winds — Channels a violent current of wind that pushes enemies back.

Patch changes

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